With 1.8 coming a ton of features will be added. I think a cool feature would be the /gamemode 3. Obviously there should be limitations. Such as " You can /gamemode 3 but to get out you must go to /spawn /home or a warp. Maybe a donator rank gets it? It would be cool to look at peoples places with it. Mainly thats the only reason to use it. Now to people who dont know what /gamemode 3 is, it is the new spectator mode that comes with 1.8. It allows the user to become invisible to users not in /gm 3. The user cannot place/break blocks. As the name hences, /spectate is to only spectate.
Well. I do thinm it should be for non-pvp. That would be a problem I dont know about survival but in the skys ( see what I did?) It would be nice. It might take an extra plugin or too. Thats a big problem. If I knew how to make plugins I would help. But alas I dont even understand them. If you see a problem with the idea feel free to comment
I like it too but again like Hedge said it would be hard to control but if the owners found a way to make it so you cant be in gamemode 3 at pvp or spawn so that would cancel your gamemode 3 it would make it a lot better
A 1.8 update would definitely be a great thing for skygrid, however, I do not want a reset. I would lose my hard earned bases, money, and would have to start all over. I realize that this is the position everyone is in. if it takes a reset to update to 1.8, go right ahead. a 1.8 update would be awesome.
I believe it is a good idea. Just as long as nobody abuses it to the point where it becomes a way to find peoples islands and grief them. Just as long as the gamemode 3 is given to help show other people's islands I think it would be well worthwhile because I guess it would give reason to make your island look good if you do want to show it to others. I feel it gives alot more creativity and more flexibility to show someone your island without the worry of them abusing it to grief your island.
i think elite+ because there is not a whole lot special with the elite class that sets them apart from the supporter rank other than the elite name kit and ability to disguise as more things