Accepted [All Main Servers Suggestion] Monthly Subscription Kit

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by tanger91, Apr 16, 2024.

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  1. tanger91

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐⭐ XI ⭐⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jun 21, 2014
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    All Main Servers
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Monthly Subscription Kit
    What are you suggesting:
    I am suggesting a Monthly Subscription Kit

    Where you get some ECD from the ERSReserve when taxes are live. If its a percentage of the total ECD or a set amount of ECD.

    An additional percentage of getting more shinnies.

    As well as maybe a few new /ccs that only subscribers get when using a GodDrop key the Subscribers can choose between the following when rolling for GodDrops: Armor, Weapon and Tools, and/or Magic Item Drops.

    Also give subscribers a kit that gives them loader, spawner, rare head and egg keys.
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    First off when taxes hit everytime the ECD is taken out of everyones balance when they hit a certain amount then that money is just sitting in the ERSReserve doing nothing useful besides funding the Server Events which is a very minimal amount.

    Next an additional percentage of getting more shines for the mission crystals is useful for those players that reach "end game" and just twiddle there thumbs waiting on the next thing to do.

    New CCs only subscribers get when using a GodDrop key this is useful for those that don't have Magic Weapons and Tools, Magic Items, or Magic Armor it gives them the ability to choose which random set they would like.

    A kit that gives them 1 loader, 1 spawner, 1 rare head, and 1 egg keys.
    Other information:
    I don't know about cost but probably make it like around 30$ - 50$ per month?

    If at 30$ per month you would need around 25ish people to actually be in the clear. I would also suggest allowing people to see how many people are paying for the subscription service.

    Perhaps make it so that people who subscribe cannot use gift cards for this.

    And if you can *Dog Ear* this money so that it will be used to run the server.
    When you are above a certain amount of subscribers you can pay for the development of the server.

    Plugin or custom addition:

    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Potato Potato x 1
    • List
  2. Canadian_Apple

    Canadian_Apple Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 2, 2012
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    I would be highly surprised if 25 people are willing to commit to $30-$50 a month for ONE minecraft server. Even with your suggestion of 25 people, that's likely just enough for maintenence, development will require much more than that.
    Welcome to the Revelation.
  3. PyroTechnix_

    PyroTechnix_ Professional Coffee Drinker
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2017
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    I came up with some sort of list of possible perks/features to include in this kit, If you would like to add let me know.
  4. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I'm going to be honest, if we were pulling our player count that we were pulling even a year ago, this wouldn't be a bad suggestion in full, but sadly, the player count is struggling as is & newer players are feeling isolated with the current P2W dichotomy. Maybe if the economy is more stabilized/less inflated we could revisit something like this
    #4 Jdawger, Apr 17, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  5. Zedoker

    Zedoker ~|Huggable Ex-GameAdmin & Ex-Tomkfc Lover|~
    ECC Sponsor Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Even if you get half that, at 12.5 people (yes i know .5 of a person doesnt exist, but lets assume for sake of simplicity), you're sitting at $250-$375-$500 based on what the subscription costs (20, 30, 40/month). Based on the screenshot Andrew provided of server costs, we're sitting at a minimum of 40% of the monthly costs alone (using $624 as the figure and $20/month for the subscription).
    I'm sure for a large amount of our sponsors/mega donors, $20/month isn't the end of the world. Not for everyone, and to put it in a cliche, $20 is literally 3-4 coffees at starbucks these days.
    What the suggestion and some comments discount is the fact that on top of the subscription, the base feats will still be on sale. The store pulled in the monthly amount for next month yesterday, and was sitting ~ 50% for some time prior to then. So its really a combination that is needed for survival, not one or the other (although the other is more variable).
    Now, that is surviving, not additional development/advertising. However, I think what a key portion to getting more people online is skyblock. Even if there were just a lot of afk alts on, it makes playercount look better and some people enjoy skyblock. Comes down to prioritizing what was popular in development.
    Now, what andrew alluded to was burnout, which is entirely fair. At that point, subscriptions wont matter if no one feels motivated enough to run the server for the future. Burnout is super real and if that is the case, then maybe we can look to another way to tackle that as a community, but that is something else
  6. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Okay, so I stewed on the possibility of a subscription-based feature. Here's my suggestion, which I believe would be better for our current dichotomy (and can help newer players who purchase it). Maybe Call it something like Eco+

    - Make it $10-$20. No more than $25 (if there are hella good things added)
    - A sell bonus. Maybe like 5% so long as the subscription is active
    - MCMMO levels. Maybe like 25 a month
    - 2-5 spawner keys per server (added to the account holder)
    - 2-5 egg keys on main (added to the account holder)
    - 2 mojang keys on main (added to the account holder)
    - Special discord role & CTag ingame [Eco+]
    - Exclusive crate spin per month (which can have ECD, crate keys, gems, nstars, lored items, etc.)

    This is just what I thought up on the fly.

    Edit: Maybe make it too that if you are an active subscriber to the subscription for a year, you get increased benefits of some sort
    #6 Jdawger, Apr 18, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
  7. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Subscription packages are coming to ECC, and they aren't really anything as is listed above, but it's something I'm sure many will find to be a good idea.
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