(Main) Jobs

Sep 9, 2024
(Main) Jobs

  • Jobs - ($) $30 (top)

    *Feature is available on the Main servers*

    Raises your max jobs/quests limit to 20!
    Expanding your job/quest slots allows you to get access to more daily quests and earn income and level multiple jobs at the same time!

    /jobslist - /joblist2
    • Opens the lists of available jobs on EcoCityCraft.
      • Click the job icon to get income information.
      • Click name-tags to join jobs.
      • Barriers indicate that you are not ranked high enough to join that job.
    /questlist - /questlist2 - /questlist3 - /questlist4
    • Opens the lists of available quests on EcoCityCraft.
      • Click the quest icon into to join the quest category.

    Additional plus packages are available to increase the amount of jobs and quests you can join.

    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

    Feature Upgrade(top)

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