Jobs Apparel Trade-In Application
Jobs Apparel Trade-In Application(top)
- Special Instructions
- Must read rules over and ensure they are followed.
- Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly.
- Apply to receive a T4 Jobs Apparel Supersuit!
- To be eligible you must pay with 10 full T4 Jobs Apparel Sets from our Jobs Apparel Crates.
- Fill out the application and your chest will be investigated and taken as payment - and your T4 Supersuit will be awarded.
- You will be required to provide X Y Z co-ordinates of your chest in your application. Be sure it is the correct amount!
- Your chest must be located in the Rising world.
- Your chest and its contents will be taken as payment for this application.
- To apply for a Jobs Apparel Trade-In Application you must fill out this form.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM