Heal Sign Application
Heal Sign Application(top)
- $240,000
- Must be ranked [Mayor]
- Must be the official town owner to apply for town feature!
- Must read rules over and ensure they are followed.
- Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly.
- A heal sign application allows you to place a [Heal] sign anywhere within your town. Simply clicking on this sign will fully heal you (Not only your health but your food as well)
- Your [Heal] sign must be placed within a town that you own yourself.
- You must place a sign where your heal sign is to be; it must have your town name as well as the word heal on it - This is where your heal sign will be placed after your application is processed.
- You can have an unlimited amount of heal signs within your town.
- To apply for a Heal Sign you must fill out this form.
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- Heal Sign Removal: Special Feature Removal Application
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