Crate Master Collector Medal Application

Aug 17, 2024
Crate Master Collector Medal Application

  • Crate Master Collector Medal Application(top)


    • COST:
      • Special Instructions
    • RANK:
    • ACTION:
      • Must read rules over and ensure they are followed.
      • Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly.


    • Apply to receive the Crate Master Collector Medal!
      • Requirements:
        • 14 unique items from our EcoCityCraft Magic Tools
          • Your items can be sourced from either a crate or the server shop, but the type of tool must still be unique, different levels of the same type of Magic Tool do not qualify.
            • Ex. You may not submit a L2 Magic Melon Sword as well as a L3 Magic Melon Sword.
        • 50 unique items from our Egg Crates.
          • MagicMob Spawn Eggs or other Lore'd/Event Spawn Eggs are not acceptable submissions for this medal.
      • You will store your items in double chests in a protected zone.
      • Your chests and its contents will be taken as payment for this application.
      • You must provide coordinates to your chest, the chest must be placed in the Rising world.
      • To do this you must create double chests that holds the above specified amount of items within it.


    • To apply for a Crate Master Collector Medal you must fill out this form.

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