Archive WorldEdit Application

Nov 20, 2023
Archive WorldEdit Application

  • Archive WorldEdit Application(top)


    • COST:
      • $21,000 per Y-level, minimum of 50 Y-levels per purchase.
    • RANK:
      • Must be ranked [Mayor]
      • Must be the official town owner to apply for town feature!
    • ACTION:
      • Must read rules over and ensure they are followed.
      • Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly.



    • You are able to apply to have your town builds transferred from the Archive Server maps onto the current Main Nework.
    • Each application will be handled on a general case-by-case basis, however these are the general guidelines for is or is not allowed.
    • Town Ownership Requirements for the Archive town:
    • Before October 2018 either:
      • Be the Official Owner of the town
      • You may present screenshot or contract proof of your right to own the town and your right to transfer the build in.
    • After October 2018:
      • You must be the Official Owner of the town.
    • ECC 2.0 Towns (May 2021 - May 2022):
      • Be the Official Owner of the town:
      • You may present screenshot or contract proof of your right to own the town and your right to transfer the build in.
    • All Towns - Rules
      You may not transfer town builds that are dedicated farms towns.
      • Small farms within a town build are permitted.
    • You will not be able to carry over any storage inventory in your WorldEdit Application.
    • These inventories will be removed from the copy as part of the process of the WorldEdit Application.
      • This includes but may not be limited to:
        • Chests
        • Shulkerboxes
        • Barrels
        • Dispensers
        • Furnaces
    • Towns that are built with tons of precious materials will be vetted on a case-by-case basis.
      • To simplify it, if the town is a legit build of precious materials we may approve it.
      • You will not be able to transfer over mass-placed vaults of precious materials.
    • If you are unsure if your town build can be transferred over you can always send ClarinetPhoenix a forum PM to have your town vetted for transfer. It would be helpful to include the town application link.

    Preparing for the WorldEdit Application(top)

    • You must place two signs at the corner of your cuboid selection that will be your WorldEdit transfer.
    • You must provide a town region on Rising for the build to be transferred into.
    • You must provide a facing direction for your copy and your paste.
    At your Archive Town(Your "Copy"):
    • One sign must be placed at the bottom corner of your WorldEdit selection.
    • Your second sign must be placed at the top corner opposite of your bottom corner of your WorldEdit selection.
    • Your two sign posts must form a cuboid between them.
    • Your sign must be placed on top of a block, selections will be made using the sign. (see example below)
    At your Rising Town(Your "Paste"):
    • One sign must be placed at the bottom corner of your WorldEdit selection.
    • Your second sign must be placed at the top corner opposite of your bottom corner of your WorldEdit selection.
    • Your two sign posts must form a cuboid between them.
    • Your signs must be placed on top of a block, selections will be made using the sign. (see example below)
    Your selection may be up to 200x200 selection on your X and Z axis. Your Y size in-between can be anywhere from 50 to 383 levels!

    This is a perfect example of how the selections will be made to help you decide where to place your signs.
    • When specifying your direction, you need to pick a facing and then check your F3 to determine which facing that is. This will apply to both your Archive and Rising selections.
    • You may rotate your build in this transfer.
      • If your build faces North on Archive, but you wish it to face East on Main you may do this.
      • Your post placements must reflect the rotation.
    • The direction is necessary to ensure that your selection is copied and placed properly and is referenced properly.
    Determining Your Cost:
    Your application cost will depend on how many Y-levels you choose to have transferred over. The pricing is $21,000 ECD per y-level, at a minimum of 50 y-levels for $1,050,000 ECD.
    When counting your Y-Levels to determine your price, keep in mind that your Y-levels will be inclusive of the sign post selections.
    Post 1: placed at -12427 86 -6594
    Post 2: placed at -12437 71 -6572
    If you were to calculate the difference between these two y-coords it is technically 15, however because the signs are included in the selection, we actually need to include both the y =71 coordinate and the Y=86 coordinate.
    So you are looking for a y-level range, not a difference.
    So 71 to 86 is 16 y-levels, not 15 for a total price of $336,000 ECD
    If you are unsure about your pricing, we recommend keeping an extra 15-20k in your balance, to account for mistakes in calculations.

    • We absolutely will not correct mistakes or offer refunds for transfers you are unhappy with. If you are unhappy with your placement you must re-apply again for the same price. Please ensure you know exactly what you are doing.


    • To apply for a Archive WorldEdit you must fill out this form.

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