Minecraft Username: @Burnsy_ Brief Description: Profile comments not updating status Instructions: Don't know how to reproduce, but it's on Whammerist5's profile. https://gyazo.com/ed77d963f15ebd938270dbd53cab1aea You can see that his most recent profile comment does not match up with his 'status' comment (The one shown right below 'Mayor, Male' and his above his last seen). How many times did you recreate this bug?: N/A Result: Status mesasge displays old status Expected Result: Status message displays current status Evidence: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/members/whammerist5.32086/
Existing for a long time already. Was never fixed. ._. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/bug-forum-status-not-updating.121039/