/warp ECCMuseum https://tinyurl.com/MuseumECC Welcome to the grandest Museum that ECC has to offer Who are we? We are a group of players who decided to spend most of our well earned ECD to preserve special items (lored or otherwise) and player heads to keep their stories alive for future builders Owners: @Jdawger @oreo1227 @Iamjustapony @VelvetRemedy What does the ECCMuseum have to offer? As of June 12, it is planned to have the main museum to the north of the island, A building for the History of ECC to the East/South East, and Christmas Town (for the annual Secret Santa) to the South West. What makes this different from other museums on the server? Well, the ECCMuseum boasts that it will have tinyurl links to documents that go into detail on the item(s) and the heads. Spoiler: Format White: Applies to all players Cyan: Applies if player has had a staff position Red: Applies if the player has been permabanned or banned for a long period of time Purple: Applies if player has some other achievement (SG Original top 50, SG 2017 top 50, MCmmo Top, Skull Donation, Lotto Top, etc) Orange: Pertains to the Main Server Yellow: Pertains to an external server that is not the main (Picture of the Skull's skin) Name on skull Prestige Level Premium Member? Main Server rank Skyblock Rank Forum Id # Highest staff position Banned? Donated Skull? Other names: (past or present names of the player's skull) Joined: (date joined according to the forum.) Time on staff: (according to staff wiki or otherwise mentioned) Banned From: (time of ban to end of ban [if not permabanned or appealed]) Towns Owned: (if Mayor+, what towns the player owns (according to Mayor, President, Town Clain, Additional Town, and Town Transfer Applications) SG Original Rank: (according to the archived original SG standings) SG 2017 Rank: (according to the Rankings) Lotto Ranking (Var Tix): (according to Leaderboard) Lotto Ranking (One Tix): (according to Leaderboard) mcMMO Rank: (according to Power Level Thread) mcMMO Power Level: (according to the Power Level Thread) Faction: (if a part of a group/groups on ECC, what group) Other Information: (any additional information that is necessary) *NEW* Donation Rewards! Want to donate things to the ECCMuseum? You most certainly can, and you will be rewarded for doing so too! Below is the rewards for each level of donation. Spoiler: Donation Rewards Cyan Base - Donated your skull Purpur Base - Was a milestone Head (e.g 100th Skull) Coal Base - Donated a few low tiered special items (like renamed items) Quartz Base - Donated at least $50,000 to the ECCMuseum Redstone Base - Donated many low tiered items or at least one valuable item or another players head. Iron Base- Donated at least $100,000 to the ECCMuseum Lapis Base - Donated many, many items to the museum, with a few valued in six digits. Gold Base - Donated at least $250,000 to the ECCMuseum Diamond Base - Donated at least $500,000 to the ECCMuseum Emerald Base - Continues to support the museum and without them, the ECCMuseum will not be half the museum it is. *Note: Every Donated Skull will have a sign saying who donated it.
Spoiler: Player Heads @0TheRedHerring0 (250th Head) @23cowmaster (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @1purplejade @1Whetam1 227_ (@soyuzpixel ) @7airlinepilot @7amoodw @888miner888 (Thank you @tumblemaster for donating) @8MasterBlaster8 @a18greek18 @aedanmiller @Akiaz alina_alieva (No forum account) @AlkanGains @alpert3925 @Andusj @Angel_May123 @antoniobradiano @antcubing @Aporth @appleprocucling @ArisenBatman @ASauerPatchKid (Thank You @CarterPvP_ for the Donation) @AscorbicJo @Ausalu @autumn18chance9 @AverageJoker795 (Thank you @pierceporcher15 for the donation) @averygaymom @Awesomah @Ayriia @a_man21 @BaccaAMP @Baccuus (Thank you for donating) bapestahh ( @mrstickyninja ) @Bashdash100 Bawant (@FadelessZebra / imbt) Bearinx (@BingMe ) @BellaSunset @BigB_Man @BirdyIV (Thank you for donating your head) @block_crusher blowtube123 (@brandbauer ) @Bmanvman @bobthegnome1 (Thank you for the donation) @BorisTheCheese @Brandon32527 @BuildsByGideon @bwink66 (150th Head!) @b_ball18 @B_rian (Christmas Skin) @Caitlin_Crime @CamoElite19 @Canadian_Apple candysweetcheaks (@Derpy_Candy ) (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @CaptainWow12 captin__obvious (@Stormogeddin ) Cem852 (@Cem851 ) @CemCrazy @clou44 @chargers2417 @cheese_ball_3 @childersc (Thank you for donating your head) @Chundi_Jr (Christmas Skin) @confuzzled1996 @Cosmicvibration (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @Cramerica84 @CreativeCoder (Thank you @tumblemaster for donating) @creeperheat @Creppernicus @crow_feather (Thank you for donating your head) @Cynthetix (Thank you for donating your head) @cyrixian @DaNuclearMuffin @Darth_Hydraxis (Assajj_Ventress) @Deathnight69 @DeenoTwelve @Delucaco @DevotedToChrist @Derp_Dirt @Dewsy92 @Digger0208 @Domenigoni @donkey5k @Drewbo_ @DrowningInPizza @Dubbss (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @eben48 EcoPiggy (@OinkyOverlord) (Thank you @CarterPvP_ for the donation) @egg_roll @ElenaAvalor @Ellie27 @EmCurtShawn enderarcher6400 (@WASDGamer ) (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @Evanj421 @EvasivePeach3 @evilring /) @Exilenela @expoldzibo @EzeGamerFTW Fazeeeeeeeeeeeey (@FazeAmerican ) @fbrassat @Fescht FLAM1NGDEER (@Quinten77 ) @Fleetfooter @Fluttershyyaaay /) @Fon_ @freddyagogo @Fredrik_3000 @frozenfury7 @FYOB (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @GamingFoxYT @gekko_123 @GeneralZach (Thank you @GeneralZach for donating your head) @GeorgiaMC @GhostsJack01 @ghostthecatalyst /) (100th skull!) @glockemdown @Glooble @Gluupor Gmax24 (@GMaxx) @goblizz @GoddessLaverna GreenNinja (IcePvPz / CarterPvP_) (Thank you @CarterPvP_ for donating your head) @green_tiger77 @greg45865734 @grondman03 GTREX55 (@Porras ) (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @Hackney_Builder @harris6972 (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @Harryhaz1 (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @HCPillarofFire @Heddaaa @Heddolita @hkw583 hmariez02 (@hhheaaatherrr) @HOLYHOY huntmeister97 (@EccHamster ) @Iamjustapony @Ian__D @icbomber38 @IceyErem (Xeklar) (Thank you @IceyErem for donating your skull) @icondigi @idkhowtoplay @illinifan @Imabankthing @isaiah141 Israellawson (@NotoriousIzzy / BlazeInfinite) iStomp__kittens (@iStomppppppppppp ) Iticip (@BillyL2499 ) @Jackson_G14 @JackThePigSlayer (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @jaker04 @JammersDunn4 (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @jbertig @JBuks @Jdawger (duh) Jdawger5 (DJdawger) @Jerekul @Jetscat @jhebert2012 @Joliver @JoshCraft_FTW @jwpwns @KaylahJacobs @Kick_Me_1235 @KillerkongPro (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @KingCharlie9 @Kissthis @Kittehhh @KiwiAngelTwist (75th head) @KTFilms (Thank you @KTFilms for donating your skull) kvbillo (@KvBronze ) @LanMartuk (300th head) @LaggyTryHard @lambielove (Christmas Skin) @Lambo41 @lapkingkn @LCPrecords (Thank you @Imabankthing for donating) @LegoJake62 @Libbyyjo @lightningmage_8 LilVinny (@Enzonium ) Logan173 (Logbo / @Pawi ) @loganeric LongDongMcRod (@MarwolaethoAng ) @LuBlue2002 @Lukesturdivant76 @Lurxolt @Maco20047 @maroiogog @MarshmallowDerp @master_blaster12 @Master_Piggie (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @Matejake @matt8865 mattbiscuit (@Legoperson ) @MattShark7 @MaxToMinimum @MCFan77 @mikeace60 @MikeyHay @milch973 @milesdarkedge @Minderasetrace @Mindless_Squid @minecraftninja05 @Mineo_2000 @miner1975 @miniCLH @mista_J @mlg7775 @ModernPerils @monkeyBUTT244 @MorlindMom @napalmmanexe @Ndm57dcraft @neecoalage (Thank you for donating your head) @Nelsin @Netsui @newbietnt @Nicit6 @Nick0jenna (Thank you for donating) @NickB8 @Nicole_2_op @Ninjaboy3113 @NinjarakuPwnz @NoahCrafting @officepwnz123 @Odoterm @Olovice @OlympiansAreGods @OK5698 @Olinova @oootopia @oOscarletOo @oreo1227 @Original_Jackson @outerlocal (Grace Dominic Skin) @oxwood2 @Ozzyblack21 (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for donating your skull) @Pablo31104 @padsen @PapaDwaggy @Paragon_OfVirtue @partyman909 @pat2100 @paxton7891 (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) Pbrassat17 (@pbrassat ) @peregrines3469 @Phadedx29 @Photonoid @pierceporcher15 @pippincruiser (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @Platinum_Foxy @pokeball92870 @pokemaster08 @pokemon9508 Pop_Diggity (@moosedood ) physicistsmom (@physyy) @priMELval @princesswind pruneda98 (@Magicware ) @purplelegoender @PvPMaster911 python918(@TigerStorm918 ) @Quackk quantavious (@AdenJames2 ) @quefueve @raider666 @Raccooy (50th head) @RaginDevonian (Thank you @CarterPvP_ for the donation) @rainbowmaster23 @random_93 @Ravenwow @Ravirr @Rebecca_2_op RedBoii2000 (@Xeik) @reivax227 @rh2wilson @Riggs316 @Robexar @rockboy2000 ryanjolson (@RyanJayOlson ) RyanZ112233 (skinless)(Thank you @Debt_ for donating your skull) @sakuraharuno1982 @SalsaWizard @samiwarbler @sbcroix @Schelmixi Shadowhunter4587 (@Pengyuin ) @Sheep_mage @ShoutingRyan @Silentshot90 (skinless) @SimsElemental @SirChilledMrHobo @SirGoody sitomo (@Snugguls ) @skyandkatie (Thank you @SirChilledMrHobo for donating) @skymaster200 @Slisper @SmalssSlime @Smorezs @Sneaky_Cat @SonnyCPretzel @spaenjj (Thank you @spaenjj for donating your skull) @SpartanAmaroq @spencer23baller @spocklin @SSolaire @StarCrester120 @Starleana @St_Magnus @Stoneyman91 @Strip14 @strongpelt @SuburbSomeone @SynWannabe @tanapeti Tanmanyellow17 (@Tanman17 ) @TaylorBros22 @taylordaisy @TechRiver @Ted_E_Bear @Texas_Bulldog @Tharros99 @TheCoolSaudi @thegrimcr33p3r @TheN00BISHPanda @thenetherman1968 @TheRealNR2502 @theYuniverse @The_Walrus_8 @TomKFC @TropicGuy (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @TrulyUndesirable @tumblemaster @Twingirlaimee (Thank You @CarterPvP_ for the Donation) @twistedjonny (Thank you for donating your head) @TwizK UnitedStates2002 (@UnitedStates2) Upmoon (@HighLuna ) @usapresident999 @usernameofdeath @v111Victor111v VaultDweller101 (No forum account) (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @VelvetRemedy @voiD_yO @Volpina123 @Volvith @Videowiz92 /) (Thank you @Videowiz92 for donating your skull) @VivienLeigh @VTFAN8 @vwman67 (Thank you for donating your head) @Wander1678 @WARPAINT56 @Warrior_Bob_999 @Wazupbutrcup @Whammerist5 wildwolf1112 (@cookiefan8888 ) @will_the_warrior (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @Winnazzz (Thank you @CamoElite19 for donating) @WolfPlayer2452 (Thank you @1purplejade for donating) @wolfwoodnyo @wpooney @xboyfernz @xerxesbeat @xpurexcorex (125th Skull) @xSoulxFuryx @xX3PICREBELXx @yokeby52 @YTN1112 (Thank you @YTN1112 for donating your skull) @y0landi @Zecrux @Zedoker @ZevZero @Zombie_Jamboree @zr2002 @Zuluzu _Jqck (@xA_Jqck_Mx ) (Thank you for donating your head) @_NIAGARA_ @_Sharpy (Christmas Skin)(Thank You @CarterPvP_ for the Donation) @_Unknown0 . Spoiler: Crate Items Star Tools Star Helmet Star Pants Star Boots Star Sword Star Axe Star Bow Star Elytra Star Rocket Melon Sword Eff7 Pickaxe EffX Axe Star Rod Spawn Eggs Blaze Cave Spider Creeper Elder Guardian Enderman Endermite Evoker Ghast Guardian Husk Magma Slime Shulker Silverfish Skeleton Slime Spider Stray Witch (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Wither Skeleton Vindicator Zombie Zombie Pigman Zombie Villager Bat Chicken Cow Horse Donkey Llama Mule Parrot Rabbit Zombie Horse Skeleton Horse Mooshroom Ocelot Pig Sheep Squid Villager Wolf Blank Egg Mojang Heads MinecraftChick Bopogamel Spoiler: Server Event Items MidSummer 2016 MidSummer Helmet MidSummer Chestplate MidSummer Leggings MidSummer Boots MidSummer Nights Dream Sword MidSummer Nights Dream Bow The Fires of Hestia MidSummer Fruitcake MidSummer Fruit MidSummer Compass (Thank you @Glimpseseer for your donation) MidSummer Torch MidSummer Token (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) ECC Christmas 2014 ECC Xmas 2014 (Cake) 12 Drummers Drumming 11 Pipers Piping 10 Lords Leaping 09 Ladies Dancing 08 Maids Milking 07 Swans Swimming 06 Geese Laying 05 Gold Rings 04 Calling Birds 03 French Hens 02 Turtle Doves Pear ECC Christmas 2015/2016 Happy Holidays Camera Apexmas Axe Apexmas Pick Happy Holiday's Nstar (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Holiday Tune Red Holiday Tune Green Holidays Egg Happy Emerald Block Holidays Redstone Block Wintersday 2017 Wintersday Snowglobe Valentine's Day 2017 Rose Bush Red Tulip (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Pink Tulip ECC Olympics 2017 Gold Medal (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Silver Medal (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Bronze Medal (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) End Crystal (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Survival Games Boss Armor Phys' Helmet of Hacking (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Jakey's Chestplate of Cheating Dewsy's Leggings of Luxury (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) N6's Boots of Butt-kicking (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Spoiler: Other Special Items Player Hearts @lameskydiver @t_bone199205 Navyseals2000 (@SubaruIsBestBoo ) @TMGLimitless @ldw116 @eekelmo thebuckeye11 (@RichardNixon__ @marcshpoint31 (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) @mily0987 (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) @xsvgxnightmare (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) @purplelegoender (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) @Oink__Oink_ @drabc Star Blocks Wither Skull Other Specials Jump 10 Splash Potion Event Token by @Nicit6 Event Token by @oreo1227 Enchanted Book w/ no Enchantments (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Written Book w/ Invalid Tag (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) EcoCityCraft Pets Stick Wooden Flux Pick Stone Flux Pick Iron Flux Pick Gold Flux Pick Diamond Flux Pick Eff5 Flux Pick Max Flux Pick Glitched Minecart name Minecart w/chest glitched cart Dinnerbone Spawn Egg Extremely Rare Vanilla items in ECC Exp Bottle Totem of Undying Arrow of Slowness (0:11) Chain Helmet Chain Chestplate Chain Leggings Chain Boots Halloween Scarecrow Hunt 2017 Scarecrow 1 Scarecrow 2 Scarecrow 3 Scarecrow 4 Scarecrow 5 Scarecrow 6 Scarecrow 7 Scarecrow 8 Scarecrow 9 Scarecrow 10 Scarecrow 11 Scarecrow 12 Scarecrow 13 Scarecrow 14 Scarecrow 15 Scarecrow D1 Music Discs 13 cat blocks chirp far mall mellohi stal strad ward 11 wait Spoiler: Items by players (item not by you? let me know) Salad Ore (by @ClarinetPhoenix ) Radioactive Jelly Beans (by @ClarinetPhoenix ) Mmmm... Salty. (by @ClarinetPhoenix ) Swegg ("stolen" from @priMELval ) dchest of ecrap from fishing (symbolized auction item by @priMELval ) *Mel's Resume* (@priMELval ) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (Symbolizing @Riggs316 ) Purples Salty Tears (cried by @purplelegoender ) (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Golden Apple of purple (Grown by @purplelegoender ) (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Christmas Gift -Zev (gifted by @ZevZero ) DuDuDuDu (@ZevZero ) RaccooyLovesYou (by @Raccooy ) LuckyRacoonFoot (by @Raccooy ) Smorezs Cookie (baked by @Smorezs ) rockboy2000 (obviously @rockboy2000 ) dAtpigd0e (pig egg by @dAtsheepd0e ) Pork Pot Pie (@dAtsheepd0e ) Sonny's Sunflower (@SonnyCPretzel) Sitomo's D***o (@sitomo ) Mr_Doom_Bringer is a nub (Created for @Mr_Doom_Bringer ) a_man21's Potato (Potato of @a_man21 ) Grape Fanta (c)WizKid Soda Ticket for 314's ride (Sold by @314 ) Bobman's Sexy Arrow (Shot by @bobman3355 ) A Canadian Apple (grown by @Canadian_Apple ) Gernen's Heart (forged by @Gernen ) Friend Fish (given by @Red_Pandaz_13 ) Val's Cookies Cookies of pi ~Mel's Homemade Cookies~ Sky's Cookie #2 Val's Fwend Y0LANDI's Right Nut (definitely not dirty by @y0landi ) Y0LANDI's Left Nut (definitely not dirty by @y0landi ) Y0LANDI's Long Shaft (definitely not dirty by @y0landi ) BlackForestCake AppleUpsideDownCake Devil'sFoodCake RedVelvetCake CoffeeCake StrawberryShortcake (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) LemonCake (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) The Blood of Back (Collected from @BackToThePast ) (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Tim Tam (@icondigi ) (Thank you @Ozzyblack21 for your donation) Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SHREKT ARROW *BEWARE* Hail Hydrate JUST KIDDING! XD Magical Dust Magicaler Dust Magicalest Dust crappy dust $1000 ECD Turn In To Exil (possible @Exilenela ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Twinkle Little Star A Twinkle <3<3<3 Name Tagg Cocaine Friendship Cookies Amirite Honey Bun Cheese Wood Soaked Log Spelon Rip cake :star: Pillow pi Rose Friendship Charm Dictionary Speef Spam KingdomJayven Towel Happe Easter <3 -=Dragon's Soul=- Brotato KA-BOOM (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Magical Beacon of ECC (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Self Destruct (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Gingerbread Cookies (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) HOT Coal (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) FIREEEEEEEEE (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Pumpkin (pi)e (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Pack A Punch (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) EcoCityCraft Pets (unofficial) (Thank you @Imabankthing for your donation) Pig 13 Critter's Toothpick Raccoon Lucky Foot Bella's Homemade Pie Friendship Flower (5 Variations) Stampy Style Boots sick's tissue Nemo Rose for Georgie0416 AnnyApplePie ( @annyonion ) I'm running out of exp Yeezy by Back (BackToThePast's Brand) Bruhtato, Cause am Grill Zev's Potato Rating (@ZevZero ) Jodie's Homework (slaved on by @Jodie99 ) Items Created by @Jdawger My lost chop (minecraftguy65) (also created by @Mcguy65 ) The Stone Slab of Peterland Donation $10 MrPineapples900 (with @MrPineapples900 ) Donation of $100 to sheep_mage (with @Sheep_mage ) Syan's Journey Ocean Sponge Oh God, what have I done? The Charcoal that won't burn Skeleton Grinder Stopper Sheep's Blocks (with @Sheep_mage ) Enegek $100 donation Oreo1227's Netherrack (with @oreo1227 ) Ocean Flower Ocean Pickaxe Book of Arcane Science Torches from Jungleport Dig Mr. Tambasco's Ladders Fun Box My First Chorus Fruit in End MateJake $1000 donation (Bday) (with @Matejake ) Silicon's Journey Ocean Sponge Mined from 1st /home mesa Idiot Fantasticamos (Copy of a copy) Book Found Grief (Copy of a copy) R.I.P. Kiraxo14 <3 (with @kiraxo14 ) Old Legacy Builder's Pick OMG! Found one in a Jukebox finally I Am You... ...But Stronger RIP 3rd Slot Deadbush IV Stone of the Ocean Temple Evoker is about to kill me Spoiler: Maps 0 15 (Thank you @MarshmallowDerp for your donation) 146 197 (Thank you @ctop_1013 for your donation) 219 221 222 223 224 341 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 672 1063 1282 1305 1371 1417 1478 1533 1671 (3x) 1757 2004 2007 2008 2009 2147 2192 2197 2198 2255 3272 3835 3998 Spoiler: Books by Players Too Lazy right now. Come back soon...
Total Heads: 382 Total (Ex)Staff: 87 Builders: 4 Residents: 33 Mayor: 96 President: 113 Tycoon: 55 $EcoLeader$: 57 $$EcoMaster$$: 13 $$$EcoLegend$$$: 10 Moderator: 39 Super Moderator: 38 Game Admin: 17 Server Admin: 5 Developers: 1 Hacking Team: 1 Wiki Team Leader: 1 Wiki Team: 3 Owners: 1 Founders: 0 Original SG Top: 34 / 50 Donated Skulls: 48 Spoiler: Donors Imabankthing Ozzyblack21 1PurpleJade CamoElite19 IcePvPz pierceporcher15 SirChilledMrHobo tumblemaster Glimpsesser GeneralZach KTFilms Debt_ IceyErem spaenjj YTN1112 VideoWiz92 Bobthegnome1 PvPMaster911 TwistedJohnny childersc neecoalage baccuus nick0jenna Crow_feather vwman67 Ayriia Cynthetix Olinova _Jqck BirdyIV BashDash100 Tanapeti Andusj egg_roll
Current Tracker: Main Building: Phase 1: The Foundation (Completed Dec 06, 2017) Phase 2: The Framing (Completed June 29, 2018) Phase 3: The Siding (Completed July 06, 2018) Phase 4: The Interior (Completed July 17, 2018) Phase 5: Underground (Hiatus) Info Building / Library Phase 1: Building (Completed [Date Missing]) Phase 2: Move old heads out (Completed) Phase 3a: Revamp interior for future use? Phase 3b: Move books and/or make info signs Exterior Landscape Phase 1: Acquire expansion town (June 29, 2018) Phase 2: Create the EcoBay Phase 3: Surrounding Landscape Christmas Town (Completed December 15, 2018) Phase 1: Tree Phase 2: Santa's Workshop Phase 3: Snowglobe, Ice Pond, etc. Phase 4: Snowy Ground Thread Make more efficient personal sorting list Cross check obtained heads to list on forum Update numbers General Create Staff Checker Create Clan Checker Create Special Staff Checker
Another star crate deal. Got the following: Eff10 Axe Star Axe ECC Xmas 2014 is now complete. Thanks @Conorx for selling me a Xmas Cake
We did it! 100 skulls! 100th skull: @ghostthecatalyst Here are the new skulls: @Starleana @theYuniverse @Paragon_OfVirtue @SSolaire @illinifan @wpooney @Derp_Dirt @ghostthecatalyst @neogamer141 @rockboy2000 Plus an Event token by ECCMuseum co-owner @oreo1227
This will most likely be a double wave of skulls, so here we go: Wave One: @Smorezs @chargers2417 @Canadian_Apple @donkey5k @goblizz @idkhowtoplay @Joliver @oxwood2 @OlympiansAreGods @monkeyBUTT244 @Riggs316 @SalsaWizard @ZevZero @Platinum_Foxy @Drewbo_ Wave Two @Bmanvman @BaccaAMP @BuildsByGideon @Kissthis @maroiogog @xpurexcorex (125th Skull) @Zedoker 227_ (@soyuzpixel )(Ironically 127)
Well, it is done. Both @Iamjustapony and myself finished the Wintersday quest and got the first lored Wintersday Snowglobes on the server (probably) Thanks @outerlocal for hosting this quest
Eighteen new heads! @Delucaco @DeenoTwelve @Exilenela @freddyagogo @GoddessLaverna @KingCharlie9 @master_blaster12 @minecraftninja05 @Nelsin @Netsui @pbrassat (pbrassat17 on skull) @quefueve @Snugguls (sitomo on skull) @SonnyCPretzel @strongpelt @TheN00BISHPanda @Whammerist5 @xX3PICREBELXx
Ok, to make things better, I got the extremely rare Happy Holidays Camera. From what I learned, only ten of these were ever made and were for a private Christmas Scavenger Hunt in 2015. We are honored to have this item, thanks to the amazing @DiamondDesire !
It’s with great sadness, and a lot of discussion, but we agreed to pass on the skull of @neogamer141. It was the right decision to pass it back to epicure’s greatest donor and keep it exclusive to them.
There are new Donation rewards for people who donated items and skulls: Here is a list of players who donated when ECCMuseum was the Coco Museum and what their Base reward will be: @Imabankthing - Congrats On being the first and only person so far to be an Emerald Donor for your donation of SG Armor pieces, renamed items, and many more amazing items! @Ozzyblack21 - Congrats on being the first Pink Donor Lapis Donor for your donation of a witch spawn egg, MidSummer Token, ECC Olympic Medals, and a few other items! @IcePvPz - Congrats on being the first Redstone Donor for your donation of six low value skulls @Glimpseseer - Congrats on being the first Coal Donor for your donation of a MidSummer Compass (if you sell me your head, you’ll get the next rank ) And the following players are receiving a nice Cyan Base for donating your /Skull: @GeneralZach @KTFilms @Debt_ @IceyErem @spaenjj @YTN1112 And the following are getting a Purpur Base for a certain milestone in head totals: @Raccooy (50th Head) @KiwiAngelTwist (75th Head) @ghostthecatalyst (100th Head) @xpurexcorex (125th Skull) @bwink66 (150th Head)
I bought it from Imabankthing’s head shop. I know bobby sold like 99% of his collection to him a few months ago, maybe it was a part of that one (it was your cake skin) I can promise you it will be safe here and will never be sold again
The biggest head haull in ECCMuseum and Coco Museum history happened last night. Almost 50 new heads have been added (Rip $3.5 million) Here are the new people: @a18greek18 @aedanmiller @ArisenBatman @B_rian @Chundi_Jr @creeperheat @Dewsy92 @Digger0208 @DrowningInPizza @Ellie27 @GeorgiaMC @glockemdown @Glooble @GhostsJack01 @Harryhaz1 Iticip (@BillyL2499 ) @Kick_Me_1235 @LegoJake62 @Libbyyjo @logan173 (@Pawi ) @mikeace60 @miner1975 @Mineo_2000 @Photonoid @peregrines3469 Ryanjolson (@RyanJayOlson ) @shadowhunter4587 (@Pengyuin ) @skymaster200 @Sneaky_Cat @SynWannabe @The_Walrus_8 @thenetherman1968 @VivienLeigh @_Unknown0 @8MasterBlaster8 @kvbillo (@KvBronze ) @pat2100 @Nicole_2_op