It is. You cannot sell ECC things for non ECC things. iTunes is not an ECC thing. Clause 4 - User to User EcoDollar-to-Real Life Currency Transfers Real life money/items being given for in-game items, EcoDollars, or anything else within EcoCityCraft is not allowed. If an investigation ensues and concludes such a transaction took place, or may take place, all users involved will be severely punished. EcoDollars also may not be used for real-life transactions, including real life tangible items and minecraft-related items away from the server. All EcoDollar transactions must be EcoCityCraft related. Trading EcoDollars for EcoCityCraft Server Features (ie. people donating to the server on your behalf) is allowed because all parts of the transaction have to do directly with EcoCityCraft. However, these transactions are not encouraged due to the high risk of getting scammed and things going wrong. Please see our Donating to the Server wiki article for more information on the risks of these types of transactions before participating in one.
Emau is correct. I will be locking this thread. Please do not attempt to do any transfer with items outside of EcoCityCraft (itunes cards). Locked.