Minecraft Username: Mission001 Brief Description: Doing /worth all on Main doesnt work yet it does on Main North. Instructions: Go to /main Type /worth all (To confirm it does nothing,doesnt even give you an error.) Go to /MainNorth Type /worth all See your inventories worth show up. How many times did you recreate this?: @blazwura97 and Myself tested it incase it was just a permissions error. Result: No /worth all on Main Expected Result: /worth all to show on Main Evidence: N/A
Might be to do with /sellspam or something, As it works for Blaz now. :S Maybe more a duggestion to take it off sellspam potentially?
It hides ALL of the outputs which is the problem. I understand it hiding the "spam" of it if /sellspam is turned on, but bringing back no message at all was my original issue. I have /sellspam on due to selling a lot and I'd still like to be able to do /worth all - even if it's just a "total" without the spam.
I have just tested this. I can correctly use /worth all even with /sellspam enabled. I see no problems here.