Here's my plan for the new WorldEdit plan: Remove Landscaper Make WorldEdits cost real money, like $10-$15 each. Pros: Server gets money People don't have to pay a huge upfront cost for Landscaper, then pay an additional 35-45K. Everyone can do it, not just those who can pay a hefty $30 There will most likely be less WorldEdits, saving Andrew time. Cons: Donation features for Ecodollars prices might inflate a little. No deflation since Ecodollars isn't taken away from the server. Note: For those arguing that it's unfair to those who cannot donate, keep in mind that you can buy a $10 feature for around 30-35K and a $15 feature for around 45-50K from other players. So yes, you can buy it with Ecodollars if it's from another player.