I have four farms in towns that i built when I was a resident. Is there a way to move them to one of my towns now that I have my own towns?
thanks, thought I would ask...although I thought I heard weirdbuilder say he had bought world edit for an hour for $100? Did I hear that right?
Yes, a while ago, Andrew had to do a 9 hour rollback, due to an do exploit. To save some time, Andrew opened up worked its for 24 hours, same rules/same prices. If his world edit was recent, it was probably along the same time the exploit occurred. If he said he himself had world edit, he was probably lying and trolling, as only Andrew/WeWin have world edit
There was a few day time where you could buy the feature "Landscaper" for $100 USD, this would allow you to file for world edit applications, sadly this was removed a few days later because andrew hates doing worldedits, it causes lag, etc...... EDIT: Normal users wern't allowed to get wes anymore, only landscaper users could.