If you can find a picture of me as a Builder you will instantly win 10k as long as it wasn't photoshopped. I was a builder for a month so good luck.
I know, I never spoke as a builder, I was almost unknown, the only two people I would think of as having it would be antcubing or Randyge
lol I remember when this was made for me, it was made in exchange for his residency cause he was awesome, I mean me, ingame, as a builder, speaking, not this, this was made while I was a president, I became a brony whilst being mayor, as that was the rank I staid at the longest, or maybe it's resident, but still, there was about a one month window for anyone to see it, ima talk to randy, as I know him IRL, and see if he has a pic of me.
This isn't my old skin, this is my current one, I wish I still had my old one, I think it has been torn down as a statue I had made months ago, but other than that, wrong skin.