I am starting a group porject. Basically what we will do is go around in the wild and plant saplings. Often new users join an they're like, "What the crap! There's no trees!" And then they never join the server again. We want ecocitycraft to grow! If we plant some trees, we can get more users to join! Yes, other people can come and break the trees down, but hey! We're helping out some builders. I've seen this type of thing happen everyday! Someone comes on and is like "wtf! There's no trees!" and then they leave. I would like someone to support this group, as hopefully we can get some bonemeal and go around growing tall grass and flowers. Thank you for your time, and I hope that you join. If you join, please help us out and supply us with some saplings. Hey guys! It's been a while since I checked this post. Now, I k CURRENT USERS: JacksonML: leader dylpickle98: Donator YankeeFan1234: Donator & Planter Cisrox2: Planter McBainAlive: Donator & Planter CoobaDiver: Donator SKSoccer:UNKNOWN Netsuionator blaizeoffireonator Amethystlanter xxHoboBunnyxX:UNKNOWN z1967lanter Hazypielanter myminecrafter01:UNKNOWN rikari88:UNKNOWN Raining_TNTlanter Mr360Zackonator & Planter oniryo6lanter diggereionator & Planter SAPLINGS PLANTED/DONATIONS McBainAliveonated:15 bonemeal JacksonMLlanted:18 Saplings; 15 bonemeal Netsuionated:640 Saplings If you would like to have your own wild regrowth user forum sig pic just mail me in-forum and I'll make you one for free! IF YOU ARE PART OF THIS PROJECT PLEASE MAIL ME INGAME HOW MANY SAPLINGS YOU'VE PLANTED IF YOU ARE A DONATOR PLEASE ADD" donator " UNDER YOUR POST IF YOU ARE A PLANTER PLEASE ADD " planter " UNDER YOUR POST
I wold like to help with this and i can supply a lot of bone meal not like every block but, a lot of it.I would also like to join the group. I am a donator too.
I'd like to help, got plenty of saplings from my tree farm, and about a double chest full of bones, message me ingame!
I hav about some ecos id like to donate now. Msg me ingame 4 it. Also, im excavation level 108 rite now When i hit 175 ill be getting tons of bones.
I think that, instead of trees only, some landscaping should be done; fill in potholes in the ground where the build portals are, etc.
I have a whole chest of bone I might help but as soon as the trees are planted they will be destroyed and will not be replanted. If this was going to work we would need to ensure they are replanted. It would be better if we set up a free protected tree farm. Just a suggestion.
I have a whole chest of bone I might help but as soon as the trees are planted they will be destroyed and will not be replanted. If this was going to work we would need to ensure they are replanted. It would be better if we set up a free protected tree farm. Just a suggestion.
Sorry for being gone for a while, the topic sort of left my mind for a week or two. If the planters need saplings and bonemeal pm me on the forums (I get an email so I see it quickly) I and on vacation though right now so I will not be able to go ingame and give you the stuff. I also will be on less because of school. I will only be on during the weekends. Sorry for any inconvience -- JacksonML
I support this as well. @JacksonML you should pick a project manager. Make it dylpickle or someone who is actively trying to help so that when you're away, someone can help manage the project for you. Again I support this. It would be great to see some natural stuff in dead areas.