As we know, Moderator Applications are Open. Whenever they are open, people always say "Here comes a week of mini-modding" and so on and so forth. I don't understand why people see this as a bad thing. Today I was asking in chat that if anyone needed help on something to PM me and see what I could to do to help. Then people PM'ed me saying "did you apply for mod?" and then when I replied yes "thought so". It seems to me that people don't like when people try to help others during this period of time. It may just be me, but I don't really see the big deal. People always help out others on the server and then no one seems to take notice. Then when Moderator Applications open it suddenly becomes a big deal and people think of you as a "try hard" just because you helped someone out when. I don't know, I may be missing something and if I am someone tell me this. Thank you for reading. -chargers2417
People see it as a bad thing because when someone is only doing it while applications are open, who knows when they'll actually do it when they actually get on staff. The fact they weren't doing it before out of the pure kindness in their heart means they probably care more about the rank than the actual position and purpose of being one. (This is not always the case, but people see it as being the case. There could be many factors in why you weren't helping before - but I won't go into farther discussion about that.) And it's only natural that people will only notice you helping when the apps open - just ignore them, they won't hurt your chances of getting on staff. The truth is though, that there are plenty of people who do wait until they open to help, so even if you aren't one of them, there are plenty of people who do that.
As D0rc said, it seems as though when the staff applications are open, people put on a persona that is not their own, thinking that those who choose the next moderators have not been monitoring them throughout their time on the server. They would rather believe that by being nice for about a week, they can achieve moderator status.
I'm not talking about you specifically, but I see this "Moderator Wannabe" behavior a lot. People I've never heard talk suddenly flock to spawn to help builders. The most greedy people on the server suddenly give away all their money. Somebody might have just not seen you help out earlier, so they automatically accuse you of being this kind of person. If you believe you're a worthy candidate of being a Moderator, don't let other people's assumptions hurt your feelings. I'm sorry to break it people, but we analyze your past history on the server, not just the week during Staff Applications.
Exactly. I'd also like to add, that you can help people without having to say it all in global. People who genuinely like to help do it in private messages, not in public for everyone to see.
People see this as a bad thing because people see this as a sign of someone who is inconsistent and is only doing it for a short time so they can get a higher rank Its like kinda sucking up and its horiible, if you want to be mod you be consistent and help people all the time not in a week or 2. Not accusing anyone here
I usually try to help out at spawn, even though I can't apply for mod, and probably wont even if I have mayor, until I have spent at least 9 months on the server. I will continue to try and help users on ecc, and mantain a positive attitude. Even when no one is watching. I know I will most likely never get mod because of my previous bans, but i can still help others!
I'm not applying for mod and i still love helping people. that's just me. Wen i was new to the server all i wanted was help, but i some times i couldn't get any. so i say help help help, some people need it.
Mini-modding: The act of doing a moderators duty when you aren't one, usually in an attempt to become one yourself. Sometimes, people who try to do the job just make the situation worse, so it's frowned upon. Mini-modding won't necessarily get you banned, but it isn't something you should really be doing. Also, answering questions for people in game or something like that is not mini-modding. The only type of mini-modding that would be a problem here is any that involves doing things like trying to answer ban appeals the same way you expect a moderator would - or when a flame war is going on, you tell everyone that what they are doing is against the rules and they will get banned for it - the reality is, acts like this only ever make things worse, since you do not actually have the power to do anything but hope they listen to you. Trust me, all you will end up doing by replying to a ban appeal saying they won't get unbanned is anger them. Answering questions in game however - as long as the information you give is correct - won't do any harm and is encouraged.
There's a difference between mini-modding and helping people. Mini-modding usually happens in the User Complaints/Ban Appeals section of the forums. Everything else in the forum is pretty much fair game. If you're going to comment on this forum section, make sure you have useful input. There's no shame in helping out around the forums.
Like jamie he wants to be a mod and yet he has the right to accuse me of using nodus then telling a mod im using nodus to build the twin towers when i have friends with fly helping me and all he does is be a wanna be mod and hes only 13 and not mature enough to get the fact that hes not going to get mod if he accuses others of something their not doing if i was doing something wrong a mod would tell me he has no place of mini moding me and yet accusing me of something that i dont use anymore and ive force updated a while back idk what he is thinking that if he tells a mod that im doing something thats not allowed when im not even doing it he thinks hes going to get mod he so wrong and then i have to go to the mod and tell them i force updated and make a big deal cause he mini mods and trolls i just dont see it nescary for mod apps to even be open because there are to many minimods and trollers around this time and its very annoying when your trying to work and people think their going to get mod by accusing someone of doing something that their not even doing and yet they want mod. I just dont even think it is nesacary to have mod apps i think andrew should have the game admins choose with out mod apps.
I have talked to rabidworm about this rule as I was confused on what was considered mini-modding. He said that the rule is mainly focused on the ban appeals/ complaints section and not as much in-game. I wouldn't consider helping people mini-modding. But, if you see someone on the server mini-modding, is telling them not to mini-mod considered mini-modding? The rule, under the wiki, is in the subsection of the forum rules. Therefore, you would think that the rule doesn't apply in-game. To me, telling someone that they will be banned/ kicked/ temp banned would be considered mini-modding. With that being said, do you consider saying things like "don't spam" or "only use the auction channel for auctions" mini-modding? There are many different opinions on this rule.