So since i have to serve a ban i requested for the full amount of time iv seen users that slick by very easily and its annoying. One of my friends who i will not mention got perma banned for xraying and he donated around 50$ to the server, he had no second chance, all they said, was, "we do not unbann for xraying". But then here is a user that's bin banned multiple times and then he xrays and is known for starting trouble and gets unbanned. I mean whats with that. Here's what i'm asking do you think such users that get banned about 4 times before they xray but have donated a fair amount be unbanned, and they start trouble and are banned constantly. Here's a pole tell me what you think and maby they will change a rule that its fair to all people. This means if you have donated and you xray you don't get unbanned because the rules are for everyone to abide by.
this is slightly flawed, they want to give donators a second chance because they have paid for the server to help keep it running, therefor andrewkm/wewinagain think that there must be some amount of leniency for these people, plus why should you donate and not be able to get a certain amount of leniency especially when you have paid real currency for this "product" in which you now can not use, plus beyond all of this the server owners can make the rules and make certain people abide by them or not, if they want to unban someone 300 times for x-ray then they can that's their decision, if thy want to ban skylexia for no particular reason they can
A bit of an interesting subject here. In my opinion, I mostly agree with what lego says. It's the people who run the server's choice who to and who not to unban. Donators deserve a little bit more leniency in this matter due to, again, what lego just said. If they get banned/repeatedly punished for things, donator or not, I think they should deserve a larger punishment, if not a complete permanent ban. A bit of a difficult matter for me, but I think that's clear enough.
i would just like to make it know that ultimately no one (other than wewin and andrew) are above the law on ECC. Having a donator tag yes.. MAY get you some leniency with certain offenses but by NO means, is a ticket to do whatever you want without fear of being punished. It is up to the player to appeal a ban, themselves, which may or may not decrease it from perm, depending on the offence, and seriousness thereof. Bans are never made on ECC without FIRM proof that a rule has been broken. there are no favorites played.
Xraying donators go through a very strict temp ban process and need to appeal to andrewkm personally, if accepted they will serve a long tempban, most people who've done this have never gotten into trouble again. It's not that they are free from the rules, it's that our punishments are slightly less strict on donators. This is, like others have said already, because they invested real money into the server. I also need to mention that some big donators got PERMANENTLY banned with absolutely no chance of appeal.
I saw a server that had no appeal process, just a 20$ Getoutofjail ticket. Also, most donators have a lot to risk breaking the rules. If they're gonna break the rules, well too bad for them. I'm pretty sure you can see the benefits and the problems behind it. If you haven't supported ECC, you shouldn't get the same treatment. Just the way it is.
They have rules for a reason i mean why should there be unequal treatment for a donator that starts trouble all the time.
There was a previous thread located here ---> It had a lot and lot of talk and discussion on this very idea. There were 2 main groups. -The ones that wanted rules to be stricter on donators/same strictness level for everyone. -The ones that wanted rules to be easier on donators, mainly because they donated a lot. While i agree rules should be as strict on everyone, donators do keep the server running. If only we could break the laws of space and time and be strict on everyone but not be as strict to donators What i don't like is the fact that andrew thinks that donators are more trustworthy. Because they aren't. Period. You can't rate someones trustworthy-ness. No matter how many tags or green stuff they have in the server.
I don't really agree with this. It depends on the offense you get a second chance on. Let's say someone spammed, well they most likely would get a second chance, and if it happened again, it would be a stricter punishment. Now, let's say it's something major like, let's use something that really happened, the exp exploit. A donator got perma banned. It's a different scenario and it depends on what you do.
But still, like a lot of people have said, it's up to andrewkm and wewin, they know the circumstances and what they need to do, there could be a million scenarios, all of which, having good reasoning behind them.
All major cases are handled on a case-by-case basis for the most part, especially when it comes to server donors. There have been vip's that are permanently removed from this server, but the ban history does follow users, no matter if they are non-donors, donors, or even a staff member. This server is not suppose to be overly strict unless you force the staff team to be. Now for the reasons of why donors get a second chance, its the logic they have invested real money into the server, if they are given a long temp-ban(and generally its only one extra chance) most will not test the system again, as they know what is at risk, and hopefully learned their lesson. Non-donors are generally denied as they have nothing to lose if they come back, and x-ray again. As stated above by a few people, Andrew/wewin have the last say in everything, and can override any decision done by a staff member, if they so choose too. If they want to allow someone another chance, after they write a lengthy appeal, and follow through on an extremely strict process, I see no issues with it. As for someone going over the limit, that is done based on the person, and there are many factors into it. The staff team tries its best not to be over-bearing, and may give some users more chances then they deserve. We noticed the problem of users getting away with trolling, and decided to crackdown on trolling, and it has solved some problems with that issue and users getting away with it. However, there will always be those that try to get around the rules, no matter what they are, or how they are enforced, if there is reason too. As for if someone has violated the rules too many times, setting an arbitrary number of bans doesn't work, as each ban is on a case-by-case basis, and punishments are generally based on the severity of the rule violation. Most rule can be violated in several different ways, and each one is handled in a different way as it may be the same rule, but the exact ban reason may differ. Maybe a point system could be added, but I find those to be extremely clunky, unjust, and possibly exploitable. In short, the system is not perfect, but it can never be. Knowing how the process works, I do not see much of a reason to change how it works on any extreme level, but there could be improvements done to the system, as with any other system. I myself think the issue is not if they should get another chance, but making more difficult than it is currently for a repeat offender to get back on, as the community seems to be split enough on this issue to make any changes made from this thread a very slow progress, if any at all.