So basically Coolguy was banned because of a so called "illegal mob spawner trap". Well a month or two ago I posted about that and lots of people were saying that it wouldn't be illegal. All it was was a skeleton spawner and a room, and you would let the skeles spawn, and either let them come in a room where you hit their feet, or you run in the room and kill them. So. He got banned because of that, and now he owes 25K for something. What the heck was that for? There was no water, and now the spawner is destroyed :x
I do seem to remember something about the post you were talking about. He was asking if it was ok and tons of people said yes. I'm sorry to hear Coolguy is banned, he is a Cool Guy.
Lol he's unbanned but he owes 25K now. Coolguy also said that the mod said it causes damage when the skeles spawn. How is that possible? He said that because they make the thud sound when they spawn, but that's just server lag how the skeles start falling a little because of server lag but then go to the ground and make the thud sound.
i did not ask for this argument lol i just told my freind bout this so just in case i dont have anything to do with this so dont ban me again lol
In reference to people saying it was alright, that's a big no. If you must ask, always consult the rules first. Not other players. The rules are there to protect you from getting into any trouble. Mob traps are, and always have been, disallowed structures. To read the rule written about this consult this link: ... Structures Additionally we do not discuss other players bans and we ask that if you must know, look it up on the forums.
Ok. I just thought that it said that if a mob trap damages the mob, it is illegal, and tons of mob spawners have a small room to kill the mob. Ok. so how do I use the mob spawner to get exp then?
You find a spawner. You wait within the radius for a mob to spawn. You run up and kill it. Repeat! RagMan
As long as you don't edit the room. Bannable mob traps are not just found in the wild, they are built by players. The more successful mob hunters know the fine line of what is and isn't bannable for a trap. And with million's of variations of block placements we can not list every instance that IS bannable. We have listed what is obviously against the rules (fall dmg, water/lava grinders, water pushers), the rest depends on what and how you edit near the spawner. RagMan