Wheat Price Scandal !!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by 151baccardi, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. 151baccardi

    151baccardi Builder
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    Feb 20, 2012
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    All my farms are wheat farms. I spent 2 months digging out rocks to make my farms. Prices on the server have doubled... and now my revenues where cut in half. I find it horrendous to lower wheat prices without notice. It will take weeks to reconfigure my farms to pumpkins or melons.

    My second point it that wheat does not require any tools (which break). Unless I was to spend $30.00 on Ext. commands and another $70.00 on Enchanted item repair package, I will now have to buy stacks of diamonds or be at the mercy of some crook.

    I find it simply unacceptable to see a 50% price drop overnight !! It also places me at a serious disadvantage to people who have entire plots sized 200x200 that are all pumpkins !! (or melons)

    Wheat had been $2.00 since I started on this server. All my efforts have been to create the perfect wheat farm(s).

    I do not see why I have to be punished twice (because I'm a builder and like to build but prices have doubled) AND I have all wheat farms and no pumpkins or melons to fall back on and now make half as much money !!

    This price change in my opinion will encourage cheating !! If the prices where changed because there is some type of trick or exploit... only cheaters will prevail and an honest, hard working wheat farmer will throw in the towel !!

    I do not have the energy to convert wheat farms to pumpkin farms... and you simply cannot do that anyways !! -- I would have to start from scratch and spent countless hours or work !! This is very very very unfair !!

  2. iEvolive

    iEvolive Epidexipteryx hui
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    Oct 28, 2011
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    wheat prices have always been $1 and were fixed at $1 before you joined the server.

    at the same time, pumpkins were set at $3 and were then lowered down to $2 which caused mass outrage and protest.

    to appease everyone and get them to shut up, andrew put wheat up to $2 for a week and then forgot to put it back down.

    instead of complaining, you should be thanking andrew for an extended promotional period where wheat was priced at double the normal value.
  3. hammajamma

    hammajamma Builder
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    Apr 3, 2012
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    i think both pumpkins and wheat should be the same price, both of them serve very little purpose in minecraft. in fact i think wheat is actually more useful since you can eat it. while pumpkins can only be turned into very ugly light sources. i understand that you want to and promote trading among players by reducing income and increasing the prices of the server store, but by only reducing wheat, you are putting players like me and baccardi, who have built all of our income resources around the idea that wheat and pumpkins are worth the same amount, at a serious disadvantage. i hope this makes sense. i'm not a very good writer xP
  4. hammajamma

    hammajamma Builder
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    Apr 3, 2012
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    that is a good change :) thank you for reconsidering.
  5. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I have posted my comments here: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=14841

    I am sorry, I do not feel that even $5.00 is fair. I do appreciate this over $3.00. Wheat farming takes more work than pumpkin farming as you do not have to re-plant wheat farming. Pumpkin farming is still and will continue to be the leading way to large income. To make us wheat farmers work even more and get this much of a loss is a disgrace.

    I spent 5 days total on my building. Design and construction then redesign. I was not alone in this either. A pumpkin farm does not need any creative thoughts. You plant once, you punch forever. If I am made to do more work for my money at least let me maintain the same profit margin.

    A single dollar over 3 wheat may not seem much. However my farm will now suffer a $2,000 loss per harvest. I am not trying to "strike it rich". I'm trying to maintain a solid way to provide jobs and income at the same time. As well as an alternative to pumpkins.

    Please read my thread as well!
  6. SRH86

    SRH86 Builder
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    Feb 24, 2012
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    My Wheat farm was putting out $4500 per harvest now ill be at $3750 with conversion to bread. Only a 17% percent drop in revenue. Not that bad of a deal, it is still way better than pumpkin farming.
  7. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 3, 2012
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    You consider 17% Not bad?! Add a 0 to your numbers, as you would if you did 10 harvests.

    With that loss rate you just lost $7,500. How often do you harvest? Post how much you make per hour. I want to see any wheat farmer making close to 30k an hour. Which regardless of what some say IS possible by pumpkin farming.

    This is a huge loss, and without warning. I know now that I need to /worth everything before I sell.
  8. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    Tell ya what buddy I have a large multi-level pumpkin farm I will let you come farm for 1 hour, please show me this epic haul of only say 20k you made in one hour. Now I have actually farmed and counted my money gains on one hour of farming with a diamond axe and I average if I stay focused and just chop for solid hour around 8k. But you know its possible to make 30k, I am sure you have done the research and are not just making a wild exaggeration. So making 20k in one hour should be cake right? If you make it I will match what you made, so hey 1 hour you could make 60k! If you don't, you pay me 20k that you should of made without even trying on the pumpkin farm.
  9. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
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    Apr 3, 2012
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    Sir... I am slightly confused. You would like me to show you how to harvest pumpkins at more than 20k an hour?
  10. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    Nah not more, you only have to farm 20k worth of pumpkins in one hour. You farm it up and whatever you make as long as its 20k or more I will match the amount, so if you make 30k like you say is possible, I pay you 30k. If you can't make 20k in an hour you have to pay me the amount of 20k. Deal?
  11. 151baccardi

    151baccardi Builder
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    Feb 20, 2012
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    I will be advancing my status on ECC by getting Ext-Commands and Ext-Command+ for $100.00 US. Simply because with an Efficiency V axe (preferably Unbreaking IV), pumpkins chop instantly and farming them now becomes lightning fast and there is no replanting or breadmaking involved. Building my ultimate 80 level pumpkin farm will be a paramout adventure and as with all my builds, will not be happening in just a few days. I am happy that Andrew has left us wheat farmers the option of breadmaking, but in my final analysis, mindless pumpkin chopping with an enchanted tool allows me more time to gossip in chat. The difference of wheat vs pumpkins is night and day but the facilities for a fine wheat-farm are exponentially more difficult to build.

    Thank you for leaving us wheat farmers an alternative to a complete revamping.

  12. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I think we can make this deal. We just need a perfect way to track everything. So you can see exactly how much I make. As well as a time we are both in game and available for an hour of mindless whacking. :)
  13. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    Well I figure we put down chests for you to deposit the pumpkins in to, can pause the time while you deposit pumpkins when your inventory is full, if you use a non enchanted axe I can even repair it for you since I repaired my own during my tests. Basically have you deposit items into a chest to show what you brought and will be using, go ahead and die to show you had nothing extra on you, come back, collect items from chest and start when you are ready. Originally I thought maybe selling as you go but then we would need a mod or something to be checking your balance and making sure you were not recieving money from friends or whatever. I think easiest way is just putting all the pumpkins in chest, can do the math x number of pumpkins in each large chest, plus whatever remainder in a non full chest. You can come check out my farm sometime and tell me if you think it will work for you. I can add more layers if you don't think it is sufficent but seems to spawn fast enough that you never run out of full layers, at least with only one person farming it.
  14. asphyxiatorslove

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Last time I went farming I made nearly 20k in about an hour, and it is not a full 200x200. I do have an advantage with an enchanted pick axe with eff IV on it. Either way, its possibly to make 20k off of a pumpkin farm.
  15. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    I believe you asphxiator and the bet might cost me a shiny penny. The thing is I have seen alot of wild claims in price threads usually by people who have never actually attempted to do the things they claim ya know what I mean? I only use non enchanted axes when I farm because I can repair them as I go. If the guy can make 20k, and he might, then maybe I change my tune on the price of pumpkins. Right now I think it should be left alone. The thing is too though, maybe with an enchanted axe someone makes a large amount but how many players on the server have a good enchanted axe or can afford one? Pretty tricky for people to acquire xp these days unless they know the location of a spawner in the nether and even then a wild delitad might appear and slay them hehe.
  16. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I will achieve my claim in your farm, not just for the money, to back up my own words. I never said "price cuts for pumpkins". I simply said "why cut wheat?!". With pumpkins where they are now, it's the best way for rich people to continue riches. In order to get high profits from wheat farming takes more thought into the building design, and it isn't exactly cheap either.

    More over, everything we decide to do in ECC is what we get out of it. If you decide to pumpkin farm and use unenchanted axes, then that's your reward. If you save your $$$ and get yourself an enchanted axe, then you can make even more (including repair costs). I don't think most people on the server have super power axes like Asphy and several others I know of.

    My point is, most people don't have extravagant wheat farms either. Therefore cutting wheat prices doesn't just destroy the big farmers, but crushes the small farms as well. Some people get an enchanted axe and make big $$$, other people build giant wheat farms. Either way, getting to this point takes work for both sides. We should not be robbed of our investments.

    [wheat is $1.00, bread is $6.00, convert and you haven't lost anything other than a few more minutes : this isn't a rage, it's an explanation a point of view in a previous post. I am satisfied as I have already posted.]
  17. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    I don't get the idea that my pumpkin farm required no thought or cost though. Each floor I built cost 7k in just the basic walls, floor and ceiling. Add in glowstone for lighting and seeds, etc (I can place my own water, could of placed ice but I am a cheap sob). Also where is the heavy thought required for a wheat farm? Pumpkins take double the space to grow, but I could easily convert to a wheat farm if prices change, only farm that would require much effort converting to would be sugar cane or the never to be allowed cactus. In fact won't wheat in something like a 15 block radius of water grow? So its less water placement. I believe I read pumpkins will grow slower at a distance from water so I have plenty, don't want to chance it.

    Tell me what day you would like to do the run, I am available most evenings or weekends if I know ahead of time what time works for you.
  18. z1967

    z1967 Builder
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    Apr 4, 2012
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    I remember I used to have a self irrigated farm when I was a builder with wheat. I made about $10 off of it every harvest. This was a small farm and I think that wheat should be raised. It helps builders to be more profitable and get resident. More residents = more people = more popular server = more donators to bypass player cap. So this works out for everyone and builders and poor residents can get jobs planting at these mega farms like say Tkick's. He employed three workers roughly every half hour. That is 62 people a day if he was only on for twelve hours. That is 62 more people who may stay on or level up. Again it works out for everyone. Now he would have to either cut labor or cut salaries. Wheat is fundamental to most people. I mean, what is your first crop in SSP? Wheat of course! So let us make wheat $2 again or $1.5 for you pumpkin zombies out there.
  19. Tkick

    Tkick EcoTkickles
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I am open almost all day everyday. You pick and I'll be ready. We can use a farm I know instead of yours. That's fine. Just give me at least 24hrs notice please. Thanks!