So, I've been gone for a very long time and the last way I remember to earn money easily was to mine melons with picks; this seems to be obsolete now All in all, anyone want to share a few pointers?
Although it takes a while, pumpkin farming, wheat farming, and mining are all viable options for someone who is returning after a long break. Once you get enough money you can buy perms to a melon farm and rent melon swords to make money.
I always go mining and try to find as much redstone and lapis as possible. Also, cobwebs and rails from mineshafts are worth collecting and selling.
There are many ways to make money, farming is quite a good way but does require expensive tools to be really successful (melon sword). Mining is also a really good way to make money and you can be successful at that even without and efficiency 7 pick (it really helps though). I personally would suggest, as a good starting money maker, to partake in mining or nether mining as you make a fair amount relatively easily. I hope you found this helpful, anvildash
Personally I mine to make nearly 100% of my money. However while it takes skill and a good computer with no lag i have also made 100k in 2 days off of survival games. With the new price increase it is a great way to make money. CinnamonTiny
Thank you for all the tips! I actually still have my several story high melon farm that I built a long time ago so it seems that it will come in handy along with my massive wheat farm
I'll list the most effective ways currently below, prepare for a long one . For Starting Out - Mining The best way to start making money on the server, having not yet obtained any supplies or perms to farms, is Mining with an Efficiency 4/Fortune 3 Diamond Pickaxe. You can get around 12k/hour with this method, and the almost non-existent startup cost makes it good for new players. Pre-Netherstar Tools - Pumpkin Farming The next best way after you've gotten some funds from Mining is Pumpkin Farming. You make a few thousand ECD's more Pumpkin Farming than mining, and it's a more reliable source of income without threats of dying in lava and such. The reason it may take some time to begin Pumpkin Farming is because you'll need to buy perms to a farm, which can go from 5k-10k, in addition, a Pumpkin Axe can be up to 7.5k. Tools such as "/speed" make this form of money making doubly effective. Pumpkin farming is the most effective means of making money before getting your hands on any netherstar tools. (Melon Sword or Efficiency 7 Pickaxe) Netherstar Tools - Melon Sword Melon sword are a very good way of making money, but they have a *very* high startup cost, ranging from 450k+. Melon farming can get you a consistent 17k/hour. This is the 2nd best way of making money via tools. The Eff. 7 Pickaxe makes more money per hour, but can be less popular because of a lot of peoples' dislike for mining. If you're a fan of farming, being able to watch TV and make money, I recommend setting your goal of getting a Melon Sword. Netherstar Tools - Efficiency 7 Pickaxe Efficiency 7 Pickaxe's are by far the best way of making money, if you can use them correctly. Unlike farming, there's a lot of methods for mining with an Eff. 7. Quarrying, Strip Mining, and various other methods are all types of mining one may use with an Eff 7. Eff 7's go for more than Melon Swords (generally around 50k more), and many donations features are needed to make mining "safe". Lava is always a threat, and Pyro+ is always a good prerequisite for getting an Eff 7, Fly is also another good one, enabling you to toggle your walking speed and mine more effectively. However, you can make around 35k/hour with an Eff. 7, making it the most profitable tool in the server. If you're willing to risk the mines, I highly recommend an Eff 7. I use one myself, and it's truly amazing.
I think i am using my melon sword wrong... I only make 1200/5 minutes, andi calculate that maxes me out at 14400 per hr.... what is i doing wrong?
Keep in mind that 17k/hour is specifically if you're doing nothing but farming for a whole hour straight, which is difficult by anybody's standard. If you're chatting in-game, texting, or doing any other sort of distraction, it can add up dramatically. If you're not doing any of these things it may be because you're farming two rows instead of one. I never tested two rows for a whole hour, but I seemed to make a good bit less with it than one row. If you're not being distracted, or doing two rows, then I'm not quite sure what you're doing wrong. I'd suggest using "/speed .59", providing that you have the Fly donation feature, while Melon Farming, it makes it so there's very little room for error when farming. Hope that helps