So, I am currently contemplating giving exellanela a measly 180k for president. I want to do this for an additional 200x200 to build on. If i were to do this, I would want to build some massive project on it. If any of you have any idea what would be really cool to build, and look really good, please tell me. I love building older styled buildings, such as older mansions, castles, or maybe something else. I would most likely be willing to use the entire 200x200, and it will most likely be on the ocean, just filled with 1 layer of dirt. I am open to any suggestions!
Your doing a 200x200 build most of these buildings will be hard. Also once I have time I might try and post a picture of a building.(probably will be hard)
considering a 400x400. I might be getting ecoleader sometime in the future. i am 90% sure that I want to limit it to a 200x200 though.