I would say axe over the shovel unless you do a lot of digging while flying. I've found the star rod fun, but not a great money maker, so it's only if you like fishing. I would avoid a melon sword until after we see what 1.8 does to them.
Just a heads up in 1.8 melon swords may become obsolete so I would be hesitant to buy that, but personally I would get a star rod as I can make 8-10k on the fish and another 2-3k on the exp per hour. If you don't like fishing I would get the axe over the spade first. *edit* just noticed you were aware of the melon sword thing.
The order of which I use my star tools is EFF 7 the most, then shovel, then axe, then rod. So I would vote shovel, but then it is probably the one which you can use eff5 for near the same results. So I guess I would say get an axe next!
ok i don't really build much i kinnda suck at it i usually hire other people for that so does this mean i should not get it?
It's good for working on towns, building, and clearing any type of wood. I personally like it, but that star rod is not bad for making money.
I'd recommend the star rod as it makes money, will train your Mcmmo and get you experience and sometimes random items. The axe and shovel tbh don't make any money unless you create a demolition company. So tbh, get the Star Rod if you wanna raise your Mcmmo or the shovel and create a demolition company. Just my 2 cents! Hope it helped! -Donkey5k
Well to be fair you can farm trees at a much faster pace especially if you are flying and if you own a spawn shop that sells wood fast I would totally recommend getting this.
Star tools are tools that have higher than normal enchants, like an Eff 7 pickaxe, or an Eff 10 shovel. It's something that's bought with nether stars, dubbing them "Star Tools"