Type "/bounty help" in-game. Every bounty needs to be a minimum of $5,000, although no maxium. /bounty help (List of bounty commands) /bounty list <page> (List of users with a bounty over their head) /bounty view (List of bounties that you have accepted to hunt) /bounty accept [username] (Accept a users bounty and hunt them down) /bounty abandon [username] (Abandon a bounty you have accepted - no fee refund) /bounty new [username] [amount pay] (Set a bounty on another user! Watch them get hunted down by others!) /bounty cancel [username] (Cancel a bounty you have set. You will get your money back minus any taxes) Residents+ can set new bounties on other players! Builders and everyone can view bounty list and accept bounties to hunt other players! Players can set bounties on Users, then others will accept the bounty, and hunt the person down in a pvp enabled area. Upon killing, the users head also drops on the ground. These are often sold using some of our trade services available listed below. Our auction channel ("/ch auc"), trade channel ("/ch tr"), and our Selling/Advertising section on the forums.
As in is there a way to lcoate there position easye then running around like a chicken with its head cut off