I'd like to know because eventually I'd like to start a town strictly for helping incoming and new players.
Vote, buy farm perms, farm, buy a pumpkin axe or fortune pick, farm or mine, continue voting, etc. So if you're building a town for new players, it's going to be pivotal to have a farm and a shop for players to sell netherstars and buy exp to enchant their tools
Step 1: Vote Step 2: Buying farm perms (pumpkin/cocoa recommended) Step 3: Buy an enchanted axe Step 4: Farm, farm, and farm! -OR- Step1: Vote Step 2: Buy an enchanted pick Step 3: Mine, mine, and mine!(In the mining world)
Occasionally people have jobs for others to do. These are mainly advertised in Trade chat (/ch trade). You can always accept jobs from other users to earn income.
I dont have the star tools and stuff. I vote, tree farm, and pumpkin farm for my money. Spruce tree farm makes me about 15k an hour and pumpkin farm makes me about 10k. Welcome to ECC!