What are you doing now in ECC? For me, I just built a fancy cocoa farm and I'm saving up for Mayor. How about you?
Building PivilleBerlin, building PivilleRome, earning money for extcomm+, waiting for good entries at my 25k competition. #FinishedItAlready
I usually play sg but I broke my wrist and my cast won't let me play mc easily. So know I kind of just walk around and do random stuff. Somehow I still make money .
I gotta make mayor…I kinda went on a spending spree. I bought 8K worth of lotta tickets, 6K for a farm perk that I DO NOT NEED, and 20K for that stupid nether access, which is definitely not worth it. Even after the reset, I was scoring quartz after quartz, I still wasn't making that much.
Nothing in ECC atm, just copying some files & pictures from my old minecraft pc...screenshots, resource packs & more...Oh! Almost forgot it! I'm uploading some ECC survival games to YouTube, i'll post the links here when the videos finish uploading..when I finish doing all that stuff i'll go clear my new President town <3 If someone wants to help just pm me in forums of in game.