Because we lost our owner andrewkm, we have gained a new leader Physicitsmom! You've been a great part of the staff team and I hope you'll be a great owner! Congrats on your new position! Phy, if you read this, will we have a new SA to fill your old position? Maybe Jakey?
Although I am very sad that Andrew is no longer with us, I am super excited to see what phys has in store for us!
Y'know, this is really interesting.... As much as I'll miss andrew, I can't wait to see what happens with the server in Phys's hands. With the people like KHobbits and andrew to help with server stuff and being married IRL to jakey, I think phys is set for success. Honestly, I'm glad I stuck around, and can't wait to see what happens (and seeing andrew as a VIP+ Res lol)
As much as I love physi, I'm sure going to miss andrew's amazing posts on complaints. Some of them were outright stupidly hilarious xD And, like lots of other people ima use this opportunity to tag @andrewkm for the first time Hai der andrew!
After playing on one server for 3 and a half years, I'd imagine so But then I've been here almost 3 years, so I know the feeling
@andrewkm I hope that you and your family are okay and that your health issues are resolved. We are sure going to miss you. <3 Phys congratulations on the new position. I believe you will do well and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for ECC.
Firstly I would like to welcome Physicsmom as our new owner and am looking forward to seeing what happens and where she will take the server! I hope this server will go from being brilliant to being beyond brilliant! I would like to thank @andrewkm for his dedication to the server and all the time, money and effort he has put in for this to be the successful server it is now. Even though I have only been playing for a year and he may not know me, i wish him the best of luck and that his family member gets better soon! Thanks andrew
I'm gonna miss @andrewkm . Also gonna miss a few other former staff, that recently got perma-banned, and therefor, I won't say their names.
LOL! Today a few students in my class were watching what I was doing on the computer, and of course, knowing me, I was on the forums at school. So.. they saw that and them knowing you were the server owner for 3.5 years saw that post and we all laughed. I would also like to thank you for all the work you put into the server.
phys is one of those people who are perfect at what they do. I'm sure she will change ECC for the better and do a dang fine job of running the server!