Accepted [Website & Forums Suggestion] Alt way to get EXP Collector Medal

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jdawger, Nov 28, 2018.

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  1. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    Website & Forums
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Alt way to get EXP Collector Medal
    What are you suggesting:
    Have it where you can trade 1000 netherstars in for the EXP collector's Medal
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    With the removal of trade signs, the EXP collector medal is currently removed. For trading in nstars, it is 50k EXP per 100 nstars, thus 1000 nstars would be worth 500k EXP, the amount that is needed for the medal. This way people can still get the medal if they so choose for the same price as the old trade sign way.
    Other information:
    I know there is a nstar collector's medal too, but the only way to obtain them really these days is to buy them with exp (yes, player market too, but exp was also sold there as well in the past). This wouldn't hurt anything with the economy, just take some nstars out of circulation.
    Plugin or custom addition:

    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
  2. BobbyBlack

    BobbyBlack Community Spokesperson
    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ XI ⭐⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jun 14, 2012
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    You can hit a sign at /warp starshop a few times and turn the nstars into exp -1
  3. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jul 13, 2013
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    imo I don't really see a point in having a discount nstar medal

    Exp was always the cheapest collector medal anyway tbh
  4. SirChilledMrHobo

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 25, 2012
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    Here are my thoughts and reasonings behind in regards to this suggestion:

    Our current situation for the nether star treasure collector medal and the exp collector medal is this - We cannot currently complete the nether star treasure collector medal via how its outlined in our wiki, it requires a trade sign to be placed with 3,456 nether stars in it. The same can be said for the exp collector medal, via the wiki outline we need 500,000 in a trade sign, again we can not make trade signs. Also currently EXP and nether stars are currently both of near equal physical value. Exp can only physically store via a nether star or held in the player inventory, which is a challenge in itself, and nether stars are valued as a nether star for Star Tools, but also as 550 or 50,000 exp.

    I see this suggestion as an attempt to fix this current situation, to allow for the application of EXP collector medal, and possibly allow for the application of the nether star treasure collector medal, although not explicitly stated in the suggestion.

    My thoughts on the EXP Collector Medal as suggested in this suggestion: I agree completely. 1000 nether stars equal 500,000 EXP which is what was required in the EXP collector medal as outlined in the wiki. These nether stars could instead of being placed in a trade sign, as previously done, could be placed in a single chest as a replacement. The application would stay the same except for the requirement of 1000 nether stars and the replacement of the trade sign with a single chest. I see no problem with this approach as it meets the requirement as outlined in the wiki, 500,000 exp.

    How would you complete the EXP collector medal: save up 500,000 from playing ECC, aka mining, quartz, spawner grinders, villager trades, killing mobs, ext... How long would this take? I couldn't honestly say as it would vary from player to player based on how much they play ECC. Or you purchase the EXP from another player in the form of Nether Stars to reach 500,000 EXP which happens to currently equal 1000 nether stars. How long would it take? However long it would take to make the money to purchase the 1000 nether stars. How much would it cost? The too varies, let's say nether stars cost $650 each, then it cost $650,000 ECD. But the cost to purchase nether stars will always vary over time because its a free economy anyone can sell or buy at the price they want, so the price could be as high as $800, to the current roughly between $550 to $700, or maybe in the future as low as $350 as seen near the end of archive server.

    Regardless of how you reach the EXP Collector Medal, the EXP is taken out of the economy, keeping the EXP market somewhat in check.

    How to fix the Nether Stars Collector Medal: We keep it the same requirement 3,456 nether stars, but simply change/update the wiki and application to use a double chest instead of a trade sign. I don't think I need to further explain this idea, 3,456 is what required as outlined in the wiki, and we can't make trade signs, so a chest will need to be used instead.

    How would you complete the nether stars collector medal: Same way the EXP collector medal, expect a higher cost. Simply as that, you can not currently have both a nether star medal and exp medal and expect two different way to complete each other or two different outcomes.

    The current outcome of the EXP collector medal and nether stars treasure collector medal: Both can be bought with EXP, from the player to palyer market, saved up EXP, or bought in the ECC store for USD. Both will have the same outcome, EXP/Nether Stars removed from the player economy. They are basically the same, just in different amounts. The EXP collector medal is cheaper when compared to the nether star collector medal. If it's cheaper then its probably going to be applied for more then the nether star collector medal, so possibly removing even more EXP/Nether stars from the player economy, then just deciding to have one medal.

    Why have two medals that currently on fundamentally the same? It allows different levels of wealth to not only apply for a medal, but to better regulate the EXP/Nether star economy. With these medals, the take EXP/Nether stars out of the economy, allowing the rise/fall of the economy to roughly remain the same and to keep it fresh. These medals roughly allow the rich to remove the extra EXP/Nether stars from the economy when there becomes too much as seen on our archive server in the past.

    Overall, I agree with this suggestion but also think it needs more to also change the Nether Star collector medal as are both currently fundamentally the same.
  5. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    This is basically what I was trying to get at! Thank you for wording it better (I wrote this uggestion after 12 hours in the library studying). Yes, I guess the nstar medal too, but that one doesn't say "It is not available right now" like the EXP medal has.
  6. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I've been meaning to get to this and here is what will happen.
    The EXP medal will be removed, and the NetherStar treasure collector medal will be revamped to make it more realistic to earn.
    Netherstars and EXP are basically the same thing now, so having both medals just contributes to our already spammed up medals system.

    The users who already had the EXP medal will get the NetherStar treasure collector medal for free as compensation for the EXP medal's removal. This affects the following users:

    The new NetherStar medal application will be posted in the news section shortly.
  7. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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