I for one welcome our new formatting code overlords, but @JamieSinn may not I accidently discovered this while doing normal chat stuffs, we can use all formatting codes. To avoid people using this, I will edit out the instructions, just check edit history. Instructions (Check history) Final product: https://gyazo.com/0f7ef97cbcb87e7f464cc689dd787b2a
I don't understand - are we allowed to use formatting codes in chat or not? Btw, I just tried to type &ctest in local, it doesn't work - just normal yellow "test" was written.
We use chat colors to distinguish between server messages and other channels (E.g. Auctions, alerts, etc). If anyone could format their own chat then server messages could be impersonated or it'd cause a lot more issues regarding spam. It's best you don't abuse it, or format your chat in anyway (/shout is fine though of course).
Responding late because I was on err... 'vacation', but I did some testing and it seems like the fix worked perfectly, thanks.
Regex is not funky, but fancy. (Unless you made it abstact enough to be not understandable without comments, in that case it really is funky.)
Double posting for tag reasons... @JamieSinn - what exactly is your regex supposed to do - repair the old "Display &l if &&ll was entered" or filter anything &&&lll out completely? Because it doesn't properly do either, I am wondering.