I have trying to decide wether to make my farm waterless or watered. These are the two different answers I've had on this question: - with a waterless farm the seeds grow slower but the melons/pumpkins grow at the same rate - with a waterless farm both the seeds and the melons/pumpkins grow slower I think i've had 3 people say option 1, And 4 people say option 2. Please help me! Answer the poll above! If you choose something else, write in the comments
waterless. you will have more room for melons/pumps and when the stems are grown, you would be in MUCH better shape.
Truth is 4tee. Seeds will always grow slower. ALTHOUGH, melon and pumpkin STEMS will grow slower, but once the stems are FULLY grown, i do believe they will grow the melon/pumpkin blocks at a normal rate.
Well I'm 80% sure that is the truth. But then again, it is possible that after the stems are grown, pumpkins/melons will grow slower. But like i said, I'm pretty sure they will grow at normal speed.
I am pretty sure that not having water will slow the growth of pumpkins because the plant still goes through the same process of growth but when the stem is fully grown it creates a pumpkin next to the stem if it decides to grow. here is a link to a video that explains it a little bit more. even with slower growth of each pumpkin stem you may be able to offset that by having more of them. not sure how many more plants it would take to make it the growth rate the same as if you have water though.
No, I'm saying that if all the stems are all grown, will the grown stem produce melons/pumpkins at the same rate? Pumpkins/melons go through two stages. Stem(the stem growing) and block (stem grown, now it grows the block). With no water I am 100% sure the Stem stage will be slowed dramatically. But will having no water slow the Block stage?
What I've heard and hoping the answer is, is that the stems grow slower, but then the pumpkins/melons grow at the normal speed. I have gotten this answer from oYsTeR140 and Topicdogg, so im hoping its right xD
unless the code has changed, once the stem is fully grown, it still goes through all of the same checks including hydrated soil to decide what chance it has of growing and then instead of growing more, it creates a pumpkin. this would make the wiki wrong which isn't that unusual. not sure of exactly the effect this actually has on growth time but it does matter again unless the code has changed.
Well I'm getting this info from an eco-leader who has a massive 200x200x(a lot) farm, (oYsTeR140) and he says yes, so im going with him and everyone else who agrees with him