Ziggy_is_Awesome You have been banned from Watercraft for breaking the rules 3 times. First violation: Grief of Gold Blocks (Unreported to staff) Second Violation: Intentional killing of magicwalrus14 by getting him to teleport to you and breaking the block under him. (also unreported to staff) Third violation: After telling you multiple times that you were NOT to make your house into an appartment building and that I and the co-mayor had plans to create one. After getting off your ban for the second violation you tried selling rooms in your apartment. Screenshots will be uploaded by MagicWalrus14 shortly. You have 3 days to remove all your items before we remove locks. Unless supervised by a moderator and myself you will not have permissions.
this is the picture I took of ziggy advertising the apartment building. ziggy did indeed get me to tp to him so he could kill me.