Hey! If you`re reading this then please post your feedback in this thread. I would like to propose a new command called /VOTES which would tell you how many votes you have and shows the voting leader board and your standing. I would like to see this added to ECC because this month I thought that I had a chance of getting that gift card but came no where close lol Please add this feature! Thanks!
Yes, this would be useful. Would it require a plugin or could something like that just be added to the server.
i wish they take out vote number four as it doesnt work and replace it with votifiers that actually works like minecraftservers.com or something..
Yeah this wouldn't seen to be too hard because the Votifyer plugin remembers the votes anyway so if there was code that could go to that save location and retrieve it and categorize it from highest to lowest then display it.
The plugin doesn't save votes, it has a framework for smaller plugins for votifier (andrew has one that gives items/money and one that saves votes)
If possible would be nice to see who leading. But then that would kinda spoil the winners at the end of the month.