hey guys, i just voted on all three sites this morning and have only received 2 Stars, i don't know which site has bugged me out and not given me a star but i thought id just let you know! yeah I've also tried doing all 3 again and they just say come back tomorrow thanks anyway
Best to do one at a time next time, and come online, see which one is the one that doesn't give you the nether star.
Some voting sites are very buggy. For the most part they work, but on the odd occasion one of the sites glitches. Usually vote 2 is the buggiest site for me. I get a syntax error approximately once every few days. The other sites are usually fine.
Every page has its errors - vote2 has the JSON error. Vote1 has the occasional "Session expired". Vote3 resets without giving a NStar unless I enlarge the cooldown from 12 hours by 10 minutes.