There are a few sites I can't vote on because it says my IP already voted today, because of D0rc and MoofinK, is there anyway I can prevent this so I can vote on all 6 sites every day?
I have no idea if this will work, but worth a shot. Open up the command prompt. Enter "ipconfig /release" Enter "ipconfig /renew" ??? Hopefully profit.
I would do this but I don't want to risk changing something that might be important or etc, since I have so many people in my household and because my dad works from his home computer. And if you could give me directions on how to do this I could try
Since I vote for myself as well as my stepdaughter, I vote for her on my mobile phone on the datanetworks, or someone else's wifi. If you have access to a different wifi network you could save yourself the cost of mobile data.
Sadly I don't have a phone, I have an iPod but it uses the same Wifi as my computer. I used to have two different wifi network things but we finally got a router that can handle all our devices at once, so it no longer exists. I can't use someone elses wifi because I don't want to annoy or freak out the neighbours or anything
If you can find an open network use that. take a walk, some clueless person is bound to have not enabled WPA. Also a lot of towns have Community Wifi in places. It just has to be on a network that is accessing a different modem than the one you are using at home. And Im pretty sure that people that leave a network open arent going to freak out if you vote 6 times for the server. If it is an unsecured network for the purpose of data mining personal info its only going to get your captcha info and a username.
Borrow your dads phone . You have to remember to TURN OFF WIFI. Or else it will be using the same IP as you would be using on your home computer
To be clear be sure to ASK FIRST. and remember to turn WiFi back on when you are finished so as not to incur UN needed data fees Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
It shouldn't harm your computer. It just changes your IP. You can also unplug your router for a few minutes and it may change.
Possibly, but I don't know if my dad uses the IP in a special way or something for his work. He may use it to log into his work for all I know, so. I could ask him but really once it changes won't my siblings just use that one too then lol.
Search free proxies on google. Find one that looks good, and then use it. Go to the ECC website and click the voting linka through the proxy. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta