Greetings, My ignorance speaking up again. Knowledge is power and all that. Vote reminders being "reset". I hear this.. umm.. about every other day somewhere. What does that mean exactly? Why are they reset? Aren't the reminders based off my voting? Where is the disconnect when they get reset? The 24 hour clock on supressing the vote reminders starts when I vote. When the reminders get "reset", does that mean the server no longer registers my votes for the past 24 hours? I would think the reminders would just check with the servre and see, "Oh, Emau voted 15 minutes ago on site ##, I don't have to spam his screen for another 23 hrs and 45 min." Again, not complaining, just trying to understand so it makes sense. Thanks for any light you can shed. Adieu.
You're thinking of something different, but I'll explain. The websites send data to the server, not the other way around, so the server can't request the last vote date from the website. This means that if something went wrong with the votereminder (A glitch, which should happen any more btw.) the votereminders keep showing. What happened here is that in some cases andrew manually resets the votereminder, this means the votereminders keep showing until you vote again.
Greetings, Thanks for replying. I knew I was ignorant of the process, this is definitely clearing it up for me and now I can see how/why it continues to break down. This actualyl makes me *more* tolerant of it because I understand what is going on. Put in the simpliest form I can, I knew the votereminder/server didn't request data from the voting sites. What I believed happened was that when I voted, a metatag was modified somewhere on my ECC player profile letting it know I voted on a site at a certain time (overwriting the last time I voted on that site). If the "votetime" was less than 24 hours ago, the voteminder didn;t run/show for me. This would also include a counter so ECC knew how many times I had voted this month. It sounds like there is a tag for the counter, but nothing recording the actual vote/vote time. That me voting is just toggling a flag for 24 hrs, and when andrew "resets" the votereminders that he just resets those flags.