[VMR Theme Suggestion] I'm so Fancy (fancy blocks and items)

Discussion in 'VMR (Vanilla Minerun)' started by MichaelE100, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. MichaelE100

    MichaelE100 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐

    Dec 27, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    What is your VMR theme name:
    I'm so Fancy (fancy blocks and items)
    List the items and prices for your VMR theme:
    Smooth Stone - 0.10
    Polished Andesite - 0.15
    Polished Diorite - 0.15
    Polished Granit - 0.15
    Polished Blackstone - 0.30
    Gilded Blackstone - 25.00
    Quartz Bricks - 0.75
    Gold Block - 5.00
    Diamond Block - 100.00
    Emerald Block - 50.00
    Netherite Block - 1200.00
    Loadstone - 200.00
    Enchantment Table - 15.00
    Note Block - 2.00
    Jukebox - 7.00
    End Rod - 4.00
    Redstone Lamp - 5.00
    Sea lantern - 50.00
    Clock - 3.00
    Beacon - 2000.00
    End Crystal - 7.00
    Elytra - 150.00
    Trident - 200.00
    Wither Skull - 75.00
    Crying Obsidian - 10.00
    Additional Information:
    Did I miss any fancy blocks?
    Are some of these blocks not fancy enough to be on this list?
    Let me know with a comment on this post and I will address any issues ASAP.