In Game Name: BingMeWhat part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: VMR ServerShort title for your suggestion: Display VMR Winners & BalancesWhat are you suggesting: What I am suggesting is an automated message that displays the winners and balances of the top 10 of that weeks vmr.Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: This would be a good addition as people would like to see how they did compared to others.Other information: Yes, I do know that people with Patron can see it, but this is still something nice that I think people would want to see.Plugin or custom addition: One suggestion per form: I Understand.
I mean it's cool but I highly doubt andrew's gonna give away one of two actual patron perks on that server for free
Well what the balance check is mainly used for now is to check during the week to see how you are doing compared to others. What I am suggesting is just a message at the end of the week.
Like a periodic message saying who won in the previous week? Most players don't like automated messages like that
I think it should get posted on the forums every week, after the winners are paid out. I can check during the week as a patron, but I never know who actually won/what places each user got.
+1 This is completely different from patrons being able to do /baltop. I have patron, but VMR resets at about 4am my time. That means I can never see everyone's final balances at the end of VMR. The only way to even check how I placed is if I place top 5 and compare my bank balances before and after the reset. Even then, I can't check how other people placed, so I'd have to ask around if I wanted to know. Because Andrew realistically won't want to post the top 10 every week, I think we should have a command like /vmr winners for players to see the balances of the top 10 last week. This could either be restricted to patrons or available to anyone, but I'd guess it would be patron only since it's similar to /baltop. Either way, just adding a command to see previous winners would be great for anyone who can't log onto VMR right before it's reset.
In my opinion, this suggestion isn't actually about the Patron perk. The purpose of /baltop is to - and I quote - "see how you stack up against the competition". Knowing how much you're behind the n-th place is an advantage of being a Patron, but having a way of seeing last week's winners doesn't give you any real advantage during the current week.
VMR is not popular enough for me to focus on a new addition like this that provides nothing more but info. I'm focused on City at this time. Patron + being online during a reset accomplishes this.