I think captain will finally pay off. Suggestion: Give captains, when 1.3 comes out a new /kit villager. This kit will have a ONE WEEK cooldown time and give you exactly ONE villager spawner *SpawnEgg* (thanks to crossfire for pointing out my fail ). WHICH is ONLY usable in the aether or M world. HOWEVER. M world, killing of villagers is ALLOWED and aether villager sniping is NOT ALLOWED. (Assuming we can keep track somehow) Warning: assuming this suggestion goes through, the Staff reserve the right to /butcher in the case of extreme lag. You can always get more villagers week by week. Comments/questions/barf.a.rainbow/nuuuuuuu.rabid.whyyyyy all welcome! Please feel free to post anything EXCEPT PANCAKES.
I would love this +1, and copied from the other suggestion here is my input. Despite all of the downsides I believe this would make everyone happy, and a compromise for not giving everyone use for villager trading. I do think that it would be hard in the mining world though, as other users who have not spawned the villager accessibility to trading. Also captain is not a mining world title so it would require another rank or something of the sort. But this is an amazing suggestion it could be done. If it was done though as I suggested above I would raise the captain price because of the money that could be generated. But overall if we fix the kinks and such this would be a great thing. On a side note I don't believe there is a way to track the killing of villagers, and if there is it would be hard to track. This would mean that you should hide your villager in the aether, maybe in a locked room. If the villager ended up being killed by someone, they would have most likely griefed to get into the room, which is against the aether rules and could get them banned from the aether.
what i meant with the mining world is that andrew will regen M world after 1.3 and villagers will spawn naturally, so this should be murder-able
Good idea, only one problem. The villager is a fast breeding mob without need for wheat or anything else, so if you got 2 villagers you can make 100 of them in around 1 week.