A new rank with no downsides? +1 Only problem I could see is that it has nothing to do with the economy.
That seems very reasonable. I'd love to be a Veteran. I said that in chat, and some dude says "you survived vietnam war? ur old dude playin minecraft" LOL
I would love to have this, it basically shows who are the older players and game admins could do the applications.. +1
And 1.5 years, by THE FORUM JOIN DATE! (This is for you, people who lie and say they didn't hear of the forum for 2 years)
Would be neat, if it was something very short and small like [V]. No perks, nothing long or super-noticeable. Think of it more like a...badge. Although - personal opinion - this would be better as a forum medal. There's a chance that the forum has an option to award every user from specific dates with a medal. (Not positive on this being a feature/option, though.) This would be the only logical way to have a veteran-type recognition with the size of our userbase. Sorting through the 18,000+ members would be nearly impossible unless it's automatic. I suppose an application process could work - for in-game, as I do not think Staff can award forum medals - but I personally would like to see it automated for everyone of a specific age (i.e., forum medal). As for age to get the veteran tag/medal... I say make it based more on amount of time on server to current age of ECC. Roughly 1/2 to 2/3rds the age of whatever ECC's current age is. For example, when ECC turns three years old, veterans would either need to be 1.5 years, or 2 years; or if ECC was five years old, veterans would either be 1.66 years, or 2.5 years. 10 years? 3.33 years, or 5 years. Maybe a place between half to third. This is because in the future, ECC could be 10 years old; having been on only 1.5 years at that time wouldn't really be "veteran," at least in the way I see the word "veteran." So some type of equation/formula/percentage would be better.
Youre making it more complicated than it is just stick to the basics, an in game rank for people that have played longer than 1.5- years.
No, but I mean for those people who joined the forum in 2013 and claim they've played since 2011 and apparently have never heard of the forums
See JBuks the thing is that I have played on a different account and it has an earlier forum join date... Soo which would I use
I think it would be, if you want the Veteran tag it has to be based on the account you want it for's forum date. ie: You could apply for each individually depending on their forum date.
Donut! It's been awhile since I saw you. xD I think this would be a great idea, no perks, or anything, just a small little appreciation for the older players, like myself.
Nahh, too difficult. Those who used different accounts wouldn't have it, ect. Sorting it in-game wouldn't work easily. It's too complicated for when ECC gets older. Forum medals possibly, ect ect ect. Aka, Sounds superfluous in my opinion.