Minecraft Username: Empress_Cixi Brief Description: Normally charcoal requires a log to be placed in either slot in the oven, and then the two logs make the charcoal. But using /smelt a person only needs 1 log to do this. Instructions: 1. Get 1 log 2. Do /smelt 3. Charcoal is produced .. List the steps needed to take to reproduce this bug. Add more or less instructions appropriate to getting to the bug. If it's just a single step or ten steps, just add the numbers accordingly. Numeral listing is preferred. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Example: I had Enougher test it for me then I walked Ndm through it and he told me post it here Result: Charcoal is produced by using half the materials required. Expected Result: The expected result should be using /smelt takes 2 logs to make 1 charcoal instead of 1 log for 1 charcoal. Evidence: Ndm tested it out
That's apart of Minecraft when you smelt wood you get charcoal. And since when has it been 2 logs? I've always remembered it being 1
You only need 1 log to get charcoal, any fuel will do. And since /smelt doesn't require any fuel, this means 1 log = 1 charcoal. It works as intended.