Accused Username: @zaniacgreenwichComplaint: Unsolicited begging via PMEvidence: Additional Information: I have never met this player, however as soon as my name came up in global chat he started PMing me asking for items and money, and then sent a TP request and continued begging. Please note my screenshots of chat had to be edited due to the R18+ chat happening in another channel.
Hey, @Kissthis, Thank for filing this complaint, I'm sorry you had to, I have spoken to @zaniacgreenwich regarding this situation and he is rather apologetic and has ensured me it wont happen again. @Kissthis Please use the "/ignore Username" feature ingame to prevent further unwanted messages. However if this is bypassed/the problem persists please don't hesitate to let us know. Also if you have any further questions please contact me via the forums or ingame, Thanks Nfa -Coow