Felon Username: Ty13rocksComplaint: This person auctioned of a pickaxe with specific enchantments, which I payed 4850 EcoDollars for. When I received the pickaxe, it had different enchantments on it. When I tried to message him about it, asking him what the initial auction was for and telling him that the pickaxe was the wrong one, he did not respond.Evidence: (Screenshot of my paying for the pickaxe) http://puu.sh/6UCv3.jpg(Screenshot of specific enchantments that were supposed to be on the pickaxe) http://puu.sh/6UCBM.jpg (Screenshot of the pickaxe that I received) http://puu.sh/6UCDc.jpgAdditional Information: N/A, sorry.
Could you please post a screenshot of the actual original deal/sale. Left Open for 24 Hours for More Evidence
I don't think that I have one. I didn't think to take a screenshot of the auction-in-progress when it was going in, and when I tried to go back to hunt for one, the chat was gone. However, there was (definitely a staff memeber, but I think it was) a game admin on who was (i think) watching the chat at the time.
Without evidence we are unable to continue with this complaint. Please refile if you do some across screenshots of the issue.