Accused Username: Suburbsom1Complaint: Harassment spamming me with ratingsEvidence: Additional Information: This needs to stop.
First of all, you misstated my name. Second of all, I give everyone a lot of ratings. I rated a lot of posts on that thread - and not with the intent of spamming you with them. I'll stop talking now, sorry mods.
@matrix_rep First of all, the username stated is incorrect. Secondly, seeing as you have only provided a few screenshots with various ratings been given I cannot enforce any rules. If you believe SuburbSomeone to be giving these ratings with an intent to troll or spam then please provide more screenshots of this (Substantial amount needed) in another complaint with the correct username. For future reference please do not post on a complaint if you do not have any valid contributions. Remember you can always chose to ignore a user on the forums and turn off alerts if they bother you. Although ratings should not be used to an extent where a user feels like they have to ignore others. Thread locked - Complaint dismissed due to insufficient valid evidence.