The ironic thing is I ignored him before he ignored me (if he even did; I ignored him which was right before a mod told us to stop) And as for my "disliking" fireflame; he acts like he knows everything, and over the course of our "argument" I stopped two or three times and he found a way to bring the argument back up, hence my persistent hatred towards him and eventually me ignoring him. He was also aggravating me by copying things I had already said, and had begun to troll people by saying "do /ci." I can also back up my comment on the second picture because he was persistent on continuing the argument, and so I made that comment out of frustration. I don't have evidence to back up my statement unless someone has evidence that can help me justify my actions.
@SnDxCH4RG3R Please don't post on complaints that aren't relevent to you. Any further useless posts will be issued a forum warning.
Sorry for posting, but I have to state the obvious here in this situation. No one likes you @fireflame625 . Exactly for this reason. After all, I will admit to having encounters with you before. To your own agree, I'd best stay quiet. Others words, please... just shut up for once in your life and try being mature on the internet. ~Thanks.
I hope this gets taken into consideration as to me being aggravated. Sorry if you can't handle that sometimes, maybe, things just should be left where they are. If you hadn't brought up our argument again it would have been over, so basically you're the one in fault for continuing our argument even after it being unofficially ended. I'm sorry if you can't handle the cold-hearted truth, but if you're willing to call it even then this can all be over. But then, it's up to you.
Sure, I wasn't trying to bring anything up on purpose lol, sorry if I offended you removing complaint now
Since @fireflame625 has to decided to withdraw his complaint I will be locking this. I am also issuing a forum warning to those who posted irrelevant posts in this complaint after it was stated to not do so. Complaint Withdrawn/Forum Warning Issued-Locked