Felon Username: secshun8ballComplaint: He did not remove all of his lwc's from the town Calibercity, (Something he was supposed to do as part of our contract). There is still a locked door, enderchest, chest, and 2 signs.Evidence: Contract link: http://tinyurl.com/nzwq54u Lwc's are located at: x: -2915 y: 46 (important, located underground) z: -7153Additional Information: If you are curious as to how I found these lwc's, I was running around the town checking for any buildings they havent taken down and my chunks didnt load in so I could see redstone lamps under the surface so i dug down and found their locked items.
Please provide evidence of @secshun8ball refusing to remove these locks. Left open for 24 hours, awaiting evidence.