Accused Username: Reincarnated_Complaint: continually bullying my good friend raccooy, Not only has this affected him but im a good friend of raccooy and this hurts me severally it makes me cry to think that he has no friends not only is this extremely incorrect it also affects his reputation on ecc which in my book is unacceptable, I have provided evidence of this rude act and I am extremely upset please take care of thisEvidence: Additional Information:
Another ECC troll overreacting about a stupid joke. I'm going to be honest, he probably has more friends than me. It was a joke and you need to take a chill pill.
Just so you are aware I was in Raccooy's stream while you were writing this complaint. I heard as you guys were laughing it off at each other when reading back this complaint to each other. As for the complaint itself there is no context in the chat as to who Reincarnated_ is speaking to. I highly suggest you all start using our /ignore feature if a user is truly upsetting you. And seeing as Raccooy didn't post this himself, as the complaint says it was directed at him, then my guess is he must be doing just fine. Locked.