Accused Username: Ozzyblack21Complaint: ScammingEvidence: Information: I was going to give him more time.. but I have been seeing ozzy lotto a lot and bet at casinos.. I just want him to take this debt seriously. I want a more strict payment plan maybe by the week not the day. As seen below i even allowed him to pay in increments of 20k because of the /sell glitch. But obviously he has the money and is just not paying. He has paid 7 days of 20k (140k) out of the total 600k.
Hello @matrix_rep, thank you for filiing this complaint. Were any payments ever made via forum transfer, as specified in the contract? Also, @Ozzyblack21, can you please explain your side of what is going on here? You will have 24 hours from now to explain. Left open 24 hours, awaiting response from @Ozzyblack21.
No payments were made via the forums. However I am not going to fault him for that, he liked using the sign better so I will be honest and state that he has paid 140k so far out of 600k
First off, via Skype last night you had given me a 1 week extension. And the money you see me gambling is small amounts my friends have given me. If I were to actually "scam" you I wouldn't of payed you any money at all. It's difficult to earn money as of now, due to the fact there's no /sell command currently, and as well to the personal problems in my life, which don't affect my loan payments, but it affects me in general. I'd like to sort out some other plan if that's alright with you, I've asked for you to lower to cost of payments to be able to actually place money in that sign without me gambling. I look forward to seeing your reply.
Thank you for sharing your side of the story here, @Ozzyblack21. @matrix_rep, are you willing to work out a new payment schedule for this debt?
Unfortunately, anything from Skype or outside of the actual Minecraft client itself is inadmissible as evidence.
Sure, that's a bit more reasonable, and not as much as a hassle for me to provide. I think the fact with me having to do payments every single day just tired me out, and I don't always have time to get on Ecc to make daily payments. Thanks for a newer, revamped payment plan.
I will not take payments via sign anymore. Money must be paid to my forum bank bal every 3 days 50k each time for the next 27 days @Ozzyblack21 if you miss a payment unlike last time I will not be as lenient.
Well someone would have to do it for me then, since I'm unable to transfer money to your forum account, unless I'm thinking of something different.
Get a moderator to do it for you then. Finding someone won't take too long many people have forum premium
@Riggs316 Are you able to provide your services for this loan payment plan then? Since you're the one currently handling it?
I am able to do that, @Ozzyblack21. You can /pay me in-game and I will transfer it to @matrix_rep's forum bank.
Alright. So, 50k every 3 days for 27 days puts this debt being fully paid off by 11:59pm EST on December 28th, with the first payment being due December 4th. @Ozzyblack21 will /pay me in-game, and I will pay @matrix_rep via forum transfer. @Ozzyblack21 and @matrix_rep, please let me know that this is acceptable for you both, and we will move on from there.
I'm 100% in agreement with this setup of loan payments, @Riggs316 payments must be made at 11:59pm EST every 3 days correct? If so I agree.