Felon Username: Oink__Oink_ Complaint: SG Hacking / Third Client Program Evidence: See minute 1:29 Additional Information: There have been many complaints about this user, I believe @Unknownrider have to review all evidence and I am sure you will find hacking evidence.
As this is a complaint regarding hacking I tag @Unknownrider to review the evidence and make a final decision.
Oink_Oink_ is my friend! And how is that freaking hacking???? It's called a one shot kit buddy! And he probably payed like $50.00 for his kit!!!!
You know what? He even gave me his kit for free! I've teamed with you buddy! And I know you are just jealous of him!!!!!
Please don't ban him He is so nice to everyone! And EVERYONE calls him a hacker because they are jealous! Please? I really like him!
@Clawdog888, please do not comment on user complaints that you are not a part of. Because of this, I have to give you a forum warning.
@Clawdog888, you were just warned to not comment on user complaints that do not apply to you. This is now your second forum warning on the matter, within only a few moments. Second Forum Warning issued to @Clawdog888
Do not post on complaints that do not pertain you without significantly contributing in some way to the discussion. Any irrelevant posts after this will receive a forum warning.
@wenxuan100, you've been issued a forum warning. As stated above, any further irrelevant postings on this complaint will result in a forum warning.
From looking at the highlighted portions you mentioned of your video, there does not appear to be any hacking involved. Ontop of the highly laggy video, Oink was looking directly at you at the time of your death, so I can judge that there wasn't any form of forcefield or kill aura being used. What I'm sure you are referring to specifically though is the fact that you died before his weapon swung. However, as I've stated in the past this is a common problem where your client does not process everything quick enough as it occurs, so when you died all you had seen was his player character running toward you. Complaint dismissed. Locked