Felon Username: Noah_pvpzComplaint: blackmailing me, basically telling me he was gonna tell the entire server i lot scammed him. When infact we were not teamed.Evidence: Additional Information: This user just doesn't stop.
I think this pertains to what happened to Matrix, but feel free to take this down if you feel this is irrelevant. Noah has been begging for donations excessively now, as he spends most of his money on the lottery. He recently lost a big chunk in the lottery, and was complaining about how broke has was. I don't think I have screen-shots, but at once he was asking - "Pay me 251 and I will have 1K total plz" If the above chat message he sent was true, and that chat was sent JUST yesterday, he should have nowhere near enough to lotto team with Matrix. If the above chat message he sent was false, then that's scamming in it's own right, and I hope chat logs or screenies could catch this user for that lie.
Hello @matrix_rep, thank you for filing this complaint. As everyone knows, lottery teaming is not officially enforced. However, that does not give someone the right to threaten to defame another user or their character. I will be sending @NoahPvPz_ a warning to not defame other players and to play nicely. Also @matrix_rep, please remember that if necessary, we do have the /ignore command for a reason. Locked, user warned via forum PM.