Accused Username: @Lucidious18Complaint: I loaned Lucidious18 150k in return for a 170k payback in approximately 1 week. I never received the promised amount from Lucidious18 and it is past the deadline which is a breach of our agreement, so I am now filing a complaint. The agreement was made on 12/22/18 and I was supposed to be paid on 12/29/18 by 12:30 pm.Evidence: Additional Information: The user has not been online for a few days now.
Thank you for filing this complaint. I will be giving @Lucidious18 24 hours to reply to this post explaining why they have not paid back the loan yet or giving proof of paying off the loan. Pending- User given 24 hours to respond
Due to the fact that this user has not responded on the forums with proof of payment or a plan to continue paying off the loan, I will be banning them for loan scamming. Once again, thank you for filing this complaint. Locked- User banned for Loan Scamming.