Felon Username: LegoJake62Complaint: Hacking in sgEvidence: Additional Information: User seems to be using tracer and in previous matches Kill aura
@oreo1227 @nicit6 @clou44 @Dewsy92 @jakeyray18 @Smorezs Due to the nature of this complaint I'll be tagging the GA+'s. Let this serve as the one and only reminder to all; do not post on any complaints/ban appeals that do not pertain to you unless you have relevant information.
Sorry, but although this complaint does not pertain to me I feel I have valid input. This May or may not be tracers. I really have not watched closely enough to determine my own opinion on this, but there are possibilities. Many people may think that it is impossible or really hard to find invis people, but the truth is, it's really easy. With a combination of using f3 mode for entities and particle count, also keeping your eyes peeled for sprint and potion particles is keys. After months of experience finding invis people and the help if the teamrheas video http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/teamrheas-tips-tricks.81086/ I got so good that people think this of me as well. I do believe it takes skill to find invis people and legojake may just be good at it. I do not want to see anyone banned for a misconception (no offence mods) because they are good at player tracking. I am not on one side or the other, I am just pointing out how easy it is to find an invisible player using f3 entities and potions/sprint particles.
Okay thanks for your input, but in the 1st clip it shows him clime the ladder, start swinging and then automatically knows what way I ran to, then Shoots me with a bow while me being invisible and he does so with no problem.
@ConferateBoys I have issued you a forum warning for spamming/ bumping of appeals. Any further posts, and those users will receive forum warnings also.
Thank you for reporting this, however after several opinions on the evidence, there appears to be no signs of hacking in these videos. If you feel like this user is still hacking, feel free to file another complaint. We'd be more than willing to review it for you! Locked